Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ranting about Affordable Care Act, Marketplace, & IRS

I promise I don't create drama, in fact do everything within my power to avoid, yet somehow I am magnetized... For what I try to escape follows me relentless!!

Rewind to 2014 open enrollment for insurance. I am medically speaking early in my disability under care of rheumatologist that is making referrals to opthalmologist, an ENT, & urology specialists to assist in my care.
Concerned about continued coverage & potential FINE under the Affordable Care Act I immediately called the Marketplace to discuss options for 2015. I am told by the customer representative that due to lack of income (unable to return to work & not willing to lie about it) I am denied coverage going forward and referred to public assistance that may be available in my community, going forward.
Kevin had already been paying my portion of premiums since July, when I began a medical leave from work. And although I had tried to return & train for a different position, it became apparent I was no longer fit.

Subsequently, we found that I could be covered under Kevin's employer provided policy and filed the necessary paperwork to do so for 2015.
Fast forward now to 2016, Kevin has filed his tax return only to be advised by IRS that form 8968 is necessary to amend for a reported 1095A. Translation ~ 1095 is an insurance reporting form verifying coverage to IRS. The A form is marketplace provided (B & C come from employer or self-insured respectively).

Having received a 1095A that MIS-reported 1 month of Marketplace coverage (Jan 2015, on my behalf, to BlueCross BlueShield) a request for corrected 1095 was made & subsequently received but without any changes.
Keep in mind that the IRS would like the items they requested in relation to return back to them within 20days, while marketplace states it could be 30days for reply. So, now we have consulted with the IRS ACA department & are keeping the "reject dept." up-to-date by fax as we proceed toward resolution with the Marketplace, which provides to be exceedingly difficult!!  We have just sent our second fax as day 20 is upon us.

When we received the unchanged 'corrected 1095A' without any explanation I immediately phoned for one. After lengthy discussions with more than one representative, it was determined that a new case would be escalated; by requesting a 'retroactive cancelation date' which would correct the matter, should my request be honored, in turn generating a corrected - 'corrected 1095A'.
A few days later the mail delivers an explanation letter which states the 1095A form, as submitted, should be used. However, the date on the letter is prior to my most recent request.

Therefore, today's efforts in futility commenced & end in the yet-to-be-determined category. Yet again, after calls to BCBS, IRS, & Marketplace. It was determined that a new request for corrected 1095A be processed (as most recent action didn't specifically request a new 1095 be generated) and could be another 30days for investigation.......... ?&%$@#! ....
as stated to today's representative through tears, "I have zero confidence" at this point! The first three requests didn't work, hoping this one is the charm, is simply beyond me now. Especially, in light of this all stemming from initial misrepresentation from original Marketplace CSR 2 years ago!

Why thirty more days could be possible when prior investigation requests have born the supporting facts, is beyond me;
1)apparently the Marketplace made a grace payment on my behalf due to an auto-enrollment option not being UNchecked during open enrollment denial!
2) BCBS confirms that I had no active coverage 2015, therefore no 1095, nor date amendment, necessary.

Bare in mind, that all of this mess stems from the burden of Kevin simply trying to do right by me. Keeping me off public assistance (that wasn't expanded in SC, so not sure I qualified anyhow... & was denied social security benefits upon first application, so...) & claiming me as a dependent on a tax return that should by all rights, already be deposited & probably spent towards my care... RIDICULOUS!!

PS.. This is me avoiding stress, which aggravates my conditions, can you tell it's working???

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Accidental Setback

Though there's told to be Irish among my lineage I was not drunk nor had even begun to drink on the morning of St. Patrick's Day when I took my header.

I was stumbling a bit and a little off in the department of balancing capabilities but otherwise hadn't experienced any double vision for the previous three days. It'd been even longer since any vertigo, dizzy spells, or unequal pupils.

I had woken up, as usual, among those wee hours I sometimes call 'dark: 30' feeling some sort of exhilaration for the day, as if I could feel spring calling me & with my recent encouragements to expedite my recovery, I was intent on retreating to the overgrown garden ledge of repurposed wine bottles in the backyard, as soon as the morning and my body would allow.

As I had began to move about the prior day I noticed being a bit uncoordinated and weak, but I did well once seated in an area for gardening and if at nothing else I felt successful at pulling some weeds. Big things start with small steps?!

Well, as my luck would have it... (Google for Hee Haw's; if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all, for reference)
 before I was able to situate myself between the privacy fence & the retaining wall of wine bottles I began installing last year during my short summer remission...

It felt as if I was pushed by some invisible force and all my dead weight flung backwards in the perfect NesTea Plunge (you can probably Google that, too) to land my back and left flank ribcage directly onto the planted bottles, garden stool, & area I had intended to be productive in with great impact making me simultaneously scream out and loose all breath.

And although I have resolved to avoid the medical establishment at all costs I agreed to visit Dr.'sCare for xrays to ensure no ribs were broken or possible endangerment to internal organs. It would certainly help to have a few pain pills to ease recovery and to help ease Kevin's mind and besides he's paying to carry me on his insurance & what harm could come from a quick visit for a few rib snapshots.

It was fairly painless, other than that which had already been self-induced, until the physician entered the room asking if I had ever broken my back?? He wasn't able to determine if it was old or new....
But that wasn't my complaint?? What about my ribs, i asked? There were no pictures of my ribs??? I don't understand the miscommunication here & began to question if I were actually speaking English... Either way, within 45min. we were being referred to the ER with a CD copy of the spinal radiographs & a referral for broken back, at L5.

It wasn't until 12hrs. thus that we were on our way home. More Xray's & CATscan later. I won't regale you further with the dramas therein but to say, although I did appreciate the pain relievers & anti-inflammatories I remain otherwise wholly dissatisfied.

I spoke to everyone about the ribs & flank pain but their attentions were diverted by the referral of a broken back.
I referred to my chronic conditions succinctly as ever with question in regard to Lipoma(s) located in the area of impact and even after outlining all of the Spinal diagnosis I have had since falling out of that car over 30years ago & complying with their protocols otherwise.. (Repeat with radiology dept.) At the end of our extended time together (at Kevin's great expense) I left with the same questions, 2 prescriptions, & a referral which remains unused.

Dr.'s report indicates no acute breaks, indicates at least one of the Lipomas but doesn't recognize it as such or refer further other than contusion while Radiology report doesn't reference Lipoma at all even though it was specifically spoken of and palpated & in fact denies any spondylolisthesis at L5 or otherwise in the thoracic region (although KNOWN to exist).
And when Kevin questions directly about the popping that he himself feels on my ribcage, is told that the xrays & catscan can miss small fractures & separations. In addition to missing the Lipomas!?

What Was The Point?? I Ask!!

So today, approx. 3wks hence I still have the swelling, discomfort, & popping ribs... I'm not without a pillow at my side to hold myself in place if cough or sneeze comes about.
  Luckily ?? I have had experience with Thoracic Outlet, Costochrondritis, & Tieze so I will simply continue self-care.

I'm frustrated & I genuinely have requested that Kevin remove me from his policy!!

Weird item to note... Although I typically bruise with ease & anticipated the absolute worst looking pool of a hematoma along my left side.... The bruising never arrived!!
?? It was explained to me that in this muscular area the blood may remain on the opposite side.... But still I expected some mild discoloration if not out right bruising?? Weird!