Sunday, August 21, 2016

Night Shades, Purines, Histamine!!

Best advice: Listen to your body and get in touch with what it has to say!

So I recently traveled. It was a great opportunity and a great next step toward regaining some life in my life. However, anyone who's ever tried to manage IBS issues knows, even short jaunts can be troublesome to our digestive programs.

Besides change in routine & eating habits, much less diet.. Somehow my body seems to get stage fright when varying commodes, that can give rise to varying bladder & bowel extremes, if you know what I mean..?

So upon my return it was no surprise that constipation was an issue... Let me spare you the details but to say I am now fully familiar with impaction & prolapse.  And what felt like near death when combined with a fresh outbreak of blistering hives as a result of whatever may have lingered too long, as it where.

In an effort to get back on track, so to speak, I pursued fiber. Not additives or supplementals. The real thing via local seasonally grown produce!

While being mindful of those, previously discovered, disruptive Purines - autoimmune trigger; high in the likes of asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower, & even green peas.

And when confronted by the beautiful purple Aubergine (eggplant) I recalled a different lifetime when Eggplant Parmesan was one of my signature dishes.

Although, it'd been more than 20+years hence.. I planned for this to be the most epic, organic, all fresh & clean ingredient culinary masterpiece since.
And It Was!! I ate it for two days!!

But Not Without Regret!!
& a new appreciation for the power of Nightshades and the immediate & horrifying affects they have on me.

I'm simply astonished!!

Over the years I have heard of some people having dietary disagreement with this category of foods: peppers ~bell to spicy~, eggplant, as well as potatoes & tomatoes

Even as far back as studying Shakespeare I knew that, among the many potions & poisons, Bella Donna was a nightshade. Furthermore theres been much folklore and wives tales of the poisonous fruit-vegetable tomato which was once merely grown as an ornamental not an edible.  If I'm not mistaken, even the poisonous apple depicted in Snow White was actually based on these ideals....
 But, never did I imagine that I was actually affecting my digestive in a poisonous way.

This is a shocking revelation! I devour spicey & enjoy peppers (pablano, jalapeƱo, bell, etc.) of all varieties.  I Love tomatoes fresh and raw or cooked, stewed, even stuffed. Same goes for baked potatoes & French fries, I adore & really rely on a good potato salad in lieu of the fries these days.

That being said, I have concluded that the cooking process & smaller portions  allowed for fewer signs & less symptoms previously.

Nonetheless when confronted with the truth you must address it and that has what this eggplant parm fiasco has done ~ really driven the message home.

1st day ~ I did an extreme 180• from earlier intestinal distress, but actually thought that might be a good sign, eggplant acting as laxative.
2nd day ~ malaise & headache arrived but I attributed that to recent stressors.
3rd day ~ full on lethargy & grogginess, right hand swollen like a balloon, a fresh patch of urticaria rising, with muscle fatigue, bone pain, joint & tissue swelling, along with some breathing difficulties.

So a month in (from date I started putting these words together)... I am still working towards recovery & researching further.

Here are a few internet breadcrumbs for you...

Friday, August 19, 2016

Stella meets RCCX theory

When confronted by the question, "what's wrong with you (or with 'your _blank_')??

& while it's taken some adapting... I have curbed my responses, cognizant of each situation, respectively.

ie> Insensitive sales rep, having noticed limp, patronizing & condescending = (curt) "partially paralyzed!".

Alternatively, sincere grocery clerk = (conciliatory) "just life!?".

Honestly responding would take several minutes & No One is that Interested....

Therefore, here is my new synopsized reply; (in light of  & I think coinciding with Dr. Meglathery's findings) if you have that kind of time....

Genetically modulated autoimmune comorbities!

 coinciding with RCCX theory of mitochondrial shutdown / cell danger response  .

(self analysis speaks to CAPS profile, genetic confirmation of CYP21A2 sought)


For detailed list of damages, see following itemization/all-inclusive medical autobiography, as compiled:

Multiple maternal Consanguineous Marriages (verified; hereditary -lineage- investigations;
DNA confirmation *chromosome 6 & 13 specifically sought)

Forceps delivery
*persistent indentations, (@49yrs of age)
{mother polio victim w/numerous waist down surgeries;
 I question DX, in light of my conditions to date +hypothesis  =4 generation+/- (living) genetic lineage evidence.}

The following evidence outlines medically relevant/historically Stella
 - in mostly chronological order, with some grouping by category...

congenital- hip displaysia
Linear & bilateral accessory tragus (congenital sign assoc. w/golden~har & vertebral deformities)
Congenital labia majora mass

Left handedness changed to right (+asymmetric face -craniofacial microsomia
 & hands 2d:4d comparison, +asymmetry, =androgen exposure?)

Early chicken pox (?)
Anaphylaxis (OJ)
Stitches (elbow & chin both retained thread, yrs! until inflammatory response *ejects!)
Environmental allergies (severe)
Chronic Sinusitis
Mild asthmatic
 (chronic bronchitis)

Vitamin D & calcium deficiencies
 (milk intolerant) (malabsorption)
Broken front teeth (multiple dental surgeries -bone loss, slow healing, sinus, etc)

Insomnia, circadian rhythm issues -life long w/alternating bouts of 'mini-coma'
Juvenile arthritis
Double (2) bout chicken pox
(? +2nd round !)
Fracture radial head (?inflam?)
Subluxating / lax joints
Juvenile arthritis
Late onset puberty w/
Extreme Menses

slow Digestive, IBS, suspect gastroparesis; multiple events of -enteritis, hemorrhoids
(+ impaction & prolapse)

MVA - back & neck +compression injuries
+incidental finding: Schuerrmans Spine (kyphosis/ lordosis -extreme posture)
 (mild+ progressive)
 Cervical Stenosis (progressive)
(lumbar spine)
Spondylitis (degenerative spine: disc/vertebrae)
Thoracic Outlet, Teitze, Costochrondritis (independently, affecting ribs, sternum, brachial, etc.. leading to impingement -2x)
Bone Cyst of T12-L1 (thoracolumbar spine)
Radiculopathy, Neuropathy
Gout, Sciatica, Plantar Fasciatis, shin splints

Fibroidal uterus,
(PCOS) polycystic ovaries,
 Endometriosis (+ ando) ~inconsistent radiography ~
5 (troubled) pregnancies - 2 miscarriage (ALL gestational diabetes, iron deficient, + BP)
Delivery issues (3 C-sections, 2 duress, 1 placenta previa, 1 born w/mesenchymal hamartoma of liver, 1 genetic counseling + Amnio)

 *7hr DX - near bursting (between pregnancies)

Poliosis (mallen streak)
*VKH/ Native American
Septoplasty (deviated septum - egg size cyst removed - *inconsistent radiography) *septum (20yrs post) deviates L (vs. R, previous surgically opened sinus)

Hysterectomy (@33)
Migraine syndrome
Bells palsy (L: resolved)
Stroke like attacks/episodes,  easchemia, + oedema response
Dry eyes & mouth (consistent in setting of sjogrens)
Other dermatological/cutaneous manifestions: mild vitiligo & alopecia, with occurences of myosistis, urticaria, bullous phemphigold, carbuncles, inverse psoriasis)

Dercums disease
(SAT - subcutaneous Adipose
-fatty- tissue disorder) +developing lipodema

Gerd (silent)
Barrett's esophagus
Bowel & bladder continence

CFS/ME (*overlapping
 chronic pain/fatigue)

Hashimotos thyroiditis (suspect)
Hypertrophic sub- lingual tonsillectomy (biopsy)
Uevitis/iritis OA (both eyes)

+Double Vision
Vertigo - intermittent
(balance, & dizziness)
Mitochondrial dysfunction (?!!)
Hearing Loss
Hemi-paresis (right sided)
Myosistosis (muscle inflammation, bone pain)
Sacroillitis (SI joints)
Hip Pain (acetabular/femoral alignment, psoas muscle*)

HLA B27+ (indigenous lineage, MHC: major histocompatability complex,
 blessing of longevity & resistance ~ curse of autoimmunity+ chronic illness)
Mixed connective tissue disorder
Undifferentiated Spondyloarthropathy
*overlapping syndrome(s)

Confirmed height loss
intervals of: Uncontrolled weight loss &/or gain

Cardio intervention re: blood pressure (hypertensive, fluctuating, murmur evaluation, -cholesterol med, diuretic, etc.. discontinued - over medicated per: cardiac specialist)
Myocardia ischemia
(silent angina per: anesthesiologist)

*VKH - syndrome consistent (prevalent native american) in presence of poliosis, uevitis, alopecia, & vitiligo


*poor pharmaceutical response; allergic~ stadol, pseudo~ morphine, hydro-, administered with finergan or buffer for tolerance
{•tolerate dilaudid best}

Neurontin (via endocrinologist = kidney infection

Cymbalta (via rheumatologist) = urticaria, etc...

Opiod = constipation, etc..

Intra Spinal injections tolerated but limited efficacy

All Discontinued: OTCs, prescriptions, & medical visits/intervention

Replaced by;
 ?!lidocaine patches
home therapies,

 Food intolerance:
 bok choy
 (excessive dark leafy greens),

 (eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers ~mild-hot~) as autoimmune inflammatory trigger, confirmed!

Possible Gluten intolerance/Leaky Gut, unconfirmed..

Living Will - DNT
Do Not Treat!!
Do Not Resuscitate!!
No extraordinary measures!!
No medical intervention! 0%!
No life sustaining machines or intibation!

If any, medical intervention, only under guidance of Dr. Karen L Herbst.

Rescending all prior Organ/Tissue Donation/Transplantation otherwise.

Sorry if confusing but, I find myself in one of those manic, yet brain fogged states...

To be continued...

(Accepting comments & interpretations)
(Would add link to Dr.Meglathery's site but, not patient & don't know if she may concur)...