Sunday, August 21, 2016

Night Shades, Purines, Histamine!!

Best advice: Listen to your body and get in touch with what it has to say!

So I recently traveled. It was a great opportunity and a great next step toward regaining some life in my life. However, anyone who's ever tried to manage IBS issues knows, even short jaunts can be troublesome to our digestive programs.

Besides change in routine & eating habits, much less diet.. Somehow my body seems to get stage fright when varying commodes, that can give rise to varying bladder & bowel extremes, if you know what I mean..?

So upon my return it was no surprise that constipation was an issue... Let me spare you the details but to say I am now fully familiar with impaction & prolapse.  And what felt like near death when combined with a fresh outbreak of blistering hives as a result of whatever may have lingered too long, as it where.

In an effort to get back on track, so to speak, I pursued fiber. Not additives or supplementals. The real thing via local seasonally grown produce!

While being mindful of those, previously discovered, disruptive Purines - autoimmune trigger; high in the likes of asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower, & even green peas.

And when confronted by the beautiful purple Aubergine (eggplant) I recalled a different lifetime when Eggplant Parmesan was one of my signature dishes.

Although, it'd been more than 20+years hence.. I planned for this to be the most epic, organic, all fresh & clean ingredient culinary masterpiece since.
And It Was!! I ate it for two days!!

But Not Without Regret!!
& a new appreciation for the power of Nightshades and the immediate & horrifying affects they have on me.

I'm simply astonished!!

Over the years I have heard of some people having dietary disagreement with this category of foods: peppers ~bell to spicy~, eggplant, as well as potatoes & tomatoes

Even as far back as studying Shakespeare I knew that, among the many potions & poisons, Bella Donna was a nightshade. Furthermore theres been much folklore and wives tales of the poisonous fruit-vegetable tomato which was once merely grown as an ornamental not an edible.  If I'm not mistaken, even the poisonous apple depicted in Snow White was actually based on these ideals....
 But, never did I imagine that I was actually affecting my digestive in a poisonous way.

This is a shocking revelation! I devour spicey & enjoy peppers (pablano, jalapeño, bell, etc.) of all varieties.  I Love tomatoes fresh and raw or cooked, stewed, even stuffed. Same goes for baked potatoes & French fries, I adore & really rely on a good potato salad in lieu of the fries these days.

That being said, I have concluded that the cooking process & smaller portions  allowed for fewer signs & less symptoms previously.

Nonetheless when confronted with the truth you must address it and that has what this eggplant parm fiasco has done ~ really driven the message home.

1st day ~ I did an extreme 180• from earlier intestinal distress, but actually thought that might be a good sign, eggplant acting as laxative.
2nd day ~ malaise & headache arrived but I attributed that to recent stressors.
3rd day ~ full on lethargy & grogginess, right hand swollen like a balloon, a fresh patch of urticaria rising, with muscle fatigue, bone pain, joint & tissue swelling, along with some breathing difficulties.

So a month in (from date I started putting these words together)... I am still working towards recovery & researching further.

Here are a few internet breadcrumbs for you...

Friday, August 19, 2016

Stella meets RCCX theory

When confronted by the question, "what's wrong with you (or with 'your _blank_')??

& while it's taken some adapting... I have curbed my responses, cognizant of each situation, respectively.

ie> Insensitive sales rep, having noticed limp, patronizing & condescending = (curt) "partially paralyzed!".

Alternatively, sincere grocery clerk = (conciliatory) "just life!?".

Honestly responding would take several minutes & No One is that Interested....

Therefore, here is my new synopsized reply; (in light of  & I think coinciding with Dr. Meglathery's findings) if you have that kind of time....

Genetically modulated autoimmune comorbities!

 coinciding with RCCX theory of mitochondrial shutdown / cell danger response  .

(self analysis speaks to CAPS profile, genetic confirmation of CYP21A2 sought)


For detailed list of damages, see following itemization/all-inclusive medical autobiography, as compiled:

Multiple maternal Consanguineous Marriages (verified; hereditary -lineage- investigations;
DNA confirmation *chromosome 6 & 13 specifically sought)

Forceps delivery
*persistent indentations, (@49yrs of age)
{mother polio victim w/numerous waist down surgeries;
 I question DX, in light of my conditions to date +hypothesis  =4 generation+/- (living) genetic lineage evidence.}

The following evidence outlines medically relevant/historically Stella
 - in mostly chronological order, with some grouping by category...

congenital- hip displaysia
Linear & bilateral accessory tragus (congenital sign assoc. w/golden~har & vertebral deformities)
Congenital labia majora mass

Left handedness changed to right (+asymmetric face -craniofacial microsomia
 & hands 2d:4d comparison, +asymmetry, =androgen exposure?)

Early chicken pox (?)
Anaphylaxis (OJ)
Stitches (elbow & chin both retained thread, yrs! until inflammatory response *ejects!)
Environmental allergies (severe)
Chronic Sinusitis
Mild asthmatic
 (chronic bronchitis)

Vitamin D & calcium deficiencies
 (milk intolerant) (malabsorption)
Broken front teeth (multiple dental surgeries -bone loss, slow healing, sinus, etc)

Insomnia, circadian rhythm issues -life long w/alternating bouts of 'mini-coma'
Juvenile arthritis
Double (2) bout chicken pox
(? +2nd round !)
Fracture radial head (?inflam?)
Subluxating / lax joints
Juvenile arthritis
Late onset puberty w/
Extreme Menses

slow Digestive, IBS, suspect gastroparesis; multiple events of -enteritis, hemorrhoids
(+ impaction & prolapse)

MVA - back & neck +compression injuries
+incidental finding: Schuerrmans Spine (kyphosis/ lordosis -extreme posture)
 (mild+ progressive)
 Cervical Stenosis (progressive)
(lumbar spine)
Spondylitis (degenerative spine: disc/vertebrae)
Thoracic Outlet, Teitze, Costochrondritis (independently, affecting ribs, sternum, brachial, etc.. leading to impingement -2x)
Bone Cyst of T12-L1 (thoracolumbar spine)
Radiculopathy, Neuropathy
Gout, Sciatica, Plantar Fasciatis, shin splints

Fibroidal uterus,
(PCOS) polycystic ovaries,
 Endometriosis (+ ando) ~inconsistent radiography ~
5 (troubled) pregnancies - 2 miscarriage (ALL gestational diabetes, iron deficient, + BP)
Delivery issues (3 C-sections, 2 duress, 1 placenta previa, 1 born w/mesenchymal hamartoma of liver, 1 genetic counseling + Amnio)

 *7hr DX - near bursting (between pregnancies)

Poliosis (mallen streak)
*VKH/ Native American
Septoplasty (deviated septum - egg size cyst removed - *inconsistent radiography) *septum (20yrs post) deviates L (vs. R, previous surgically opened sinus)

Hysterectomy (@33)
Migraine syndrome
Bells palsy (L: resolved)
Stroke like attacks/episodes,  easchemia, + oedema response
Dry eyes & mouth (consistent in setting of sjogrens)
Other dermatological/cutaneous manifestions: mild vitiligo & alopecia, with occurences of myosistis, urticaria, bullous phemphigold, carbuncles, inverse psoriasis)

Dercums disease
(SAT - subcutaneous Adipose
-fatty- tissue disorder) +developing lipodema

Gerd (silent)
Barrett's esophagus
Bowel & bladder continence

CFS/ME (*overlapping
 chronic pain/fatigue)

Hashimotos thyroiditis (suspect)
Hypertrophic sub- lingual tonsillectomy (biopsy)
Uevitis/iritis OA (both eyes)

+Double Vision
Vertigo - intermittent
(balance, & dizziness)
Mitochondrial dysfunction (?!!)
Hearing Loss
Hemi-paresis (right sided)
Myosistosis (muscle inflammation, bone pain)
Sacroillitis (SI joints)
Hip Pain (acetabular/femoral alignment, psoas muscle*)

HLA B27+ (indigenous lineage, MHC: major histocompatability complex,
 blessing of longevity & resistance ~ curse of autoimmunity+ chronic illness)
Mixed connective tissue disorder
Undifferentiated Spondyloarthropathy
*overlapping syndrome(s)

Confirmed height loss
intervals of: Uncontrolled weight loss &/or gain

Cardio intervention re: blood pressure (hypertensive, fluctuating, murmur evaluation, -cholesterol med, diuretic, etc.. discontinued - over medicated per: cardiac specialist)
Myocardia ischemia
(silent angina per: anesthesiologist)

*VKH - syndrome consistent (prevalent native american) in presence of poliosis, uevitis, alopecia, & vitiligo


*poor pharmaceutical response; allergic~ stadol, pseudo~ morphine, hydro-, administered with finergan or buffer for tolerance
{•tolerate dilaudid best}

Neurontin (via endocrinologist = kidney infection

Cymbalta (via rheumatologist) = urticaria, etc...

Opiod = constipation, etc..

Intra Spinal injections tolerated but limited efficacy

All Discontinued: OTCs, prescriptions, & medical visits/intervention

Replaced by;
 ?!lidocaine patches
home therapies,

 Food intolerance:
 bok choy
 (excessive dark leafy greens),

 (eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers ~mild-hot~) as autoimmune inflammatory trigger, confirmed!

Possible Gluten intolerance/Leaky Gut, unconfirmed..

Living Will - DNT
Do Not Treat!!
Do Not Resuscitate!!
No extraordinary measures!!
No medical intervention! 0%!
No life sustaining machines or intibation!

If any, medical intervention, only under guidance of Dr. Karen L Herbst.

Rescending all prior Organ/Tissue Donation/Transplantation otherwise.

Sorry if confusing but, I find myself in one of those manic, yet brain fogged states...

To be continued...

(Accepting comments & interpretations)
(Would add link to Dr.Meglathery's site but, not patient & don't know if she may concur)...

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

HLA B27 information ~autoimmunity issues & how I got here~ (research compilation with reference links)

 HLA B27

In the human immune system, the HLA (human leucocyte antigen) family of genes plays an important role in defending against foreign invaders such as viruses.

The authors say that the origins of some HLA class 1 genes are proof that our ancient relatives interbred with Neanderthals and Denisovans for a period.

“Getting these genes by mating would have given an advantage to populations that acquired them.”

At least one variety of HLA gene occurs frequently in present day populations from West Asia, but is rare in Africans.

“The HLA genes that the Neanderthals and Denisovans had, had been adapted to life in Europe and Asia for several hundred thousand years, whereas the recent migrants from Africa wouldn't have had these genes,”said study leader Peter Parham from Stanford University School of Medicine in California.

“So getting these genes by mating would have given an advantage to populations that acquired them.”

Dr. Pinna says:

The HLA gene which provides our white cells in our immune system with the ability to recognize viruses and perhaps cancers was a gift from our Neanderthal ancestors.

Neanderthals interbred with Europeans and Chinese but not with Africans. This is very important from a medical point of view.

Since the HLA (HUMAN LEUKOCYTE (WHITE CELL) ANTIGEN) protects against viruses, we find the most deadly viruses in Africa. For example, the famous EBOLA virus.Why? Because Africans do not have the ability to defend against and eradicate this virus. The viruses found in Europe and China are rather mild, such as mumps, measles and German measles.Also, Africans have less defenses against cancers caused by viruses. Here is a report from the Guardian, U.K:

“The difference is that a disproportionate number of cancers in Africa are caused by infections, such as the hepatitis viruses (B and C), which cause liver cancer, or the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes 98% of cervical cancers. The worldwide average for infection-related cancers is about 22%; in Africa, the figures are much higher: 40% of cases in women and 30% in men.”

European and Chinese interbreeding with Neanderthals was a gift from God. Not only did it give us red hair and big brains, but also a way to fight viral infection.

HLA B27 & Arthritis

Arthritis is a term for any of more than one hundred diseases that produce swelling in a joint, accompanied by pain and stiffness. The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis (the degeneration of a joint) and rheumatoid arthritis ("the great crippler," inflammation of a joint that erodes bone and cartilage). Other forms include ankylosing spondylitis (inflammation of spinal joints, mainly affecting young men), infectious arthritis (caused by invading microorganisms), and chronic Lyme arthritis (which appears in some people who contract Lyme disease). Lupus, an autoimmune disease, also has elements of arthritis, with painful and often swollen joints.

Neanderthal skeletons show signs of arthritis, as do Egyptian mummies. Ancient Greek and Roman physicians wrote detailed descriptions of arthritic conditions and methods of treatment. In fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Europe, gout became common among members of the upper classes, and an outbreak of rheumatoid arthritis swept through the masses of Europe during the Industrial Revolution. By the early nineteenth century, rheumatoid arthritis had been recognized as a distinct condition, separate from gout. Augustin Landre-Beauvais gave rheumatoid arthritis its first complete clinical description in 1800; in 1859 Alfred Garrod (1819-1907) distinguished gout by the presence of uric acid.

While the disease had been known for centuries, its cause remained unknown. Some thought arthritis was the result of an infectious disease, such as gonorrhea or tuberculosis. In 1900 twophysicians, Frederick J. Poynton (1869-1943) and A. Paine, discovered a bacteria in a group of children afflicted with rheumatism. They speculated that rheumatic arthritis could be the result of an immune reaction to an invading microorganism. In 1940 researchers found an rheumatoid factor, an antibody-like substance, in the blood of arthritis patients. Further study showed that rheumatic infections were caused by a group A streptococcus, so the rheumatoid factor was indeed an immune system response to that bacteria. Current research focuses on the relationship between specific genetically coded HLA molecules (an element of the immune system) and the occurrence of various types of arthritis. For example, the HLA-B27 molecule is common in people with ankylosing spondylitis.[14]

HLA B27 & CCR5-Δ32

According to Randall Johnson at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, "Only 7% of the US population tests positive for the HLA-B27 gene; this gene, found only in persons with Rh-Negative blood, can trigger the immune system to operate overtime at WARP SPEED in times of medical emergency."

Note: HLA-B27 is also sometimes found in those who are Rh negative recessive.

The HLA-B27 Genetic Marker is said to have protective properties that guard against the progression of HIV. It is said, that people with this gene do not have the right proteins for the HIV virus to bind with. The HLA-B27 Marker is most often found in people with O- Blood.

CCR5-Δ32 is a deletion mutation of a gene that has a specific impact on the function of T cells. At least one copy of CCR5-Δ32 is found in about (5-14%) of people of Northern European and in those of Northern European descent. There also is a small minority (1%) with the same mutation amongst Southern Europeans or Balkan Peninsula. It has been hypothesized that this allele was favored by natural selection during the Black Death for Northern Europeans.

The allele has a negative effect upon T cell function, but appears to protect against smallpox and HIV. Yersinia pestis (the bubonic plague bacterium) was demonstrated in the laboratory not to associate with CCR5. Individuals with the Δ32 allele of CCR5 are healthy, suggesting that CCR5 is largely dispensable. However, CCR5 apparently plays a role in mediating resistance to West Nile virus infection in humans, as CCR5-Δ32 individuals have shown to be disproportionately at higher risk of West Nile virus in studies, indicating that not all of the functions of CCR5 may be compensated by other receptors.

While CCR5 has multiple variants in its coding region, the deletion of a 32-bp segment results in a nonfunctional receptor, thus preventing HIV R5 entry; two copies of this allele provide strong protection against HIV infection. This allele is found in 5–14% of Europeans but is rare in Africans and Asians.

HLA-B27 is an inherited gene marker that is associated with a number of related rheumatic diseases. They share in common, certain features like spinal and peripheral arthritis, skin and GI disorders, anterior chamber eye disease, psoriasis like skin lesions, as well as inflammation and joint pain. This gene is found with highest prevalence in patients with ankylosing spondylosis, reactive arthritis, and patients with the combination of peripheral arthritis and either psoriasis or inflammatory bowel disease.

Neanderthals have been found with skeletal deformities known to be caused be ankylosing spondylitis and Arthritis.[13]


Neanderthals carried HLA-B27 which offers protection from certain diseases, however it also causes autoimmune diseases. CCR5-Δ32 deletion is also linked in with O negative blood. They originate in Neanderthals and are not often found in Africa. If you have Rh negative blood, you are blessed with some of the genes from our most ancient families.

Research by Tia Douglass & Andre Heyrman of NADA.

Matt McGrath

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Emotional Pain ~ Physical Manifestations

With a proprensity for coloring outside the lines & forging my own path (even if it's wrong sometimes) is how I've led my life.. A duality of untameable yet still very accommodating. I can see now with clarity in full HD hindsight how I've created allot of my own struggles in this life.  
But, I believe through these sometimes difficult, challenging, heart breaking life experiences I have been gifted with the ability to finally trust in myself & have real conviction .. (a blessing in the curse).

There's an adage that says:
 'if I only knew then, what I know now" ...  
Well, we can't relive time but I can apply the lessons learned from the past, now - to present choices & hopefully avoid future pains.

When I first felt the defining impacts of some really poor choices I scrambled to do better but doubted myself so much so that I longed for someone to redefine my life for me, take the reigns & let me follow because clearly I wasn't demonstrating myself as capable.  

And when even that ultimately failed me (miserably) I had to take some long hard looks into myself & a pattern emerged
~besides all of my failed relationships whether romantic, family, or friends having had me as the common denominator ... and as much as I might complain over how controlling the relationships I reminisce actually became ~
I had invited it! I created it! I encouraged! I promoted! and I was reaping what I had sown.

Furthermore, you teach people how to treat you & I began to realize my pursuit of happiness was always tainted by seeking approval of others in some way shape or form.

As I struckout on my own, I can say now that I lived life frivolously when left to my own devices.
Then, when I finally saw myself & the mess I had managed to create I decided I was better off reverting & relenting to someone else's choices again, as in childhood, as though I couldn't trust myself.

For a long while I made myself content with allowing others the control of my beliefs & decisions from mundane to monumental. I was fully committed to my mistake & did everything in my power to keep appearances & keep everyone around me as happy as possible but ALWAYS (as it turns out) to my own detriment. 
Unfortunately, not only I paid a price but I basically attached ransoms to my children as well.

Some may say this epiphany is maybe too little, too late but I say Nay! Nay! Because I am a zebra marked by the stripes of longevity. 
And because dementia and Alzheimer's is one genetic feature I don't seem predisposed to... I will bare the burdens of what I create through my choices throughout my years without respite.

Another blessing I have found through the curse of my illnesses;
 Introspection & self-analysis have led to allot of internal healing & salve for much emotional pain, self inflicted or otherwise.

Slowly but surely I am better able to manage the demons that try to weigh me down, especially when my body revolts and I have no other choice but to just be still. 
 It's important to be able to drown out the inner-taunting or you run the risk of being kept down & depressed - less you revert back to poor decision making based on the pain & your past patterns, or again allow someone else to take your reigns....
            ~ Lesson learned!!

If you allow yourself to wallow in the pain it will make you weak, when you're weak you feel undeserving, and then will accept anything offered you...  
You Deserve better! 
You were intended for More!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Calling All Angels

A random thought popped into my head the other day: You ever hear about or watch the criminalist shows & see them search internet history to explore interests, motivations, etc. in order to solve the case & exact justice?
(Note • Unfortunately, someone's already dead @this point)

My mind went to a place where there was some sort of superhero that (prior to death) could search through the diagnosis, computer contents with clues to signs & symptoms, etc. to exact healing.

But the thought was fleeting & back to reality I spiraled ...  my days of searching for diagnosis and medical solace has long since passed me now. Not a distant memory, I vividly recall the long road of desperation and exacerbation.

I felt if I had a name, if not reason, attached to my ailments then some sort of normalcy could return to life. With diagnosis would certainly bring resolution? Unfortunately, it's brought anything But!

Beginning with Dercum's I found having a label did not necessarily equal a cure or even treatment.  And many years later as the diagnoses' compiled a sickening list of comorbities I relented my thoughts of cure(s) or even a sense of being understood.

Traditional medicine has failed or worse has been counterproductive toward healing, in my case. The myriad of medicines to "manage symptoms" have never served well or have actually compounded the preexisting hurdles with new obstacles/set backs.

If ever I were to entertain seeing another doctor, the only one I can imagine is Dr. Herbst. She specializes in  (the first of my rare diagnosis) Adipose Tissue disorders & their treatment. -emphasis on the word "treatment"-  Outside of a visit to her TREAT program in Arizona, or a geneticist, I don't foresee a scenario that will take me to another MDiety.

That is not to say I have given up, anything But!  I simply have chosen to adapt to my own understanding & abilities.

That being said, I don't recommend anyone take my path but be diligent in finding your own!

Though for awhile I longed to be validated in my search for answers my path has led me to a bit of isolation, down to a meager handful of support. I found overtime that the medically delivered definitions really didn't amount to a hill of beans to any one else but me and while ultimately my family tree & genetic lineage would connect the dots ... My elation in discovery was a further bitter sweet divide.

And still the only answers the (so called: western) medical community can provide (outside of treating individual symptoms with a myriad of pharmaceuticals each with their own consequences) equates to turning off or killing off the God given parts of me, that I refuse to change to accommodate the rest of society, family, friends, or otherwise.

This life experience has made me grow as person, like I would have never imagined possible.. Again, with every curse there is a blessing & I refuse to lay in bed simply awaiting sweet death and the time when I can shed this mortal flesh.

A dear friend for nearly 35yrs recently came to visit & while discussing my grandmothers 90th birthday she made the comment "longevity won't be your problem" ... Truly that's the bitch of it!

So taking sage advice & being my own best advocate, each day I must accentuate the positive & eliminate the negative in every aspect from diet, attitude, stressors, etc...

Find the blessing in the curse on a consistent basis.

None of my days will be rainbows & butterflies ever again... It's so easy to see negativities or find stress but for each I look for a way to find a different perspective.
[Case in point:
I can bitch & moan about the last couple of years being lost (so to speak) or I can elate in the fact that I had someone who gently cared & provided for me to do so (find medically supported answers, gather knowledge to better myself, & become more physically able over time) rather than being abusive or degrading through the process.]

I must force myself to move. Longevity is my curse so I need to make my time here as tolerable as possible & immobile agonizing is counterproductive to that end.

I cannot judge myself by others abilities or accomplishments. Some days a load of laundry is my exercise & I'm OK with that... It wasn't that long ago that just brushing my hair was an accomplishment.

And one lesson in particular that proves to apply consistently important..
Trying not to hold others accountable for my expectations!

But, it's also OK to let toxic relationships go. So, while I may mourn for lost relations, I will not adopt a woe with me attitude ~

I worked very hard to adopt these attitudes, especially of late & they have served me well.

I wasn't able to do the 7 states in 7 days with Monica, nor coordinate the family gathering for another 5 generation pic for Meemaw's birthday however, I did make a trip to Minnesota (1300miles away) to visit my two eldest children & granddaughter followed by a whirlwind visit from my BFF.

Having goals helps motivate, gives a feeling of accomplishment, & it's important to hold myself accountable.

Even though I'm not taking over industries or changing the world...
The rewards from the events as described above have been immeasurable...
And given a choice between the two ~ I choose the latter!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ranting about Affordable Care Act, Marketplace, & IRS

I promise I don't create drama, in fact do everything within my power to avoid, yet somehow I am magnetized... For what I try to escape follows me relentless!!

Rewind to 2014 open enrollment for insurance. I am medically speaking early in my disability under care of rheumatologist that is making referrals to opthalmologist, an ENT, & urology specialists to assist in my care.
Concerned about continued coverage & potential FINE under the Affordable Care Act I immediately called the Marketplace to discuss options for 2015. I am told by the customer representative that due to lack of income (unable to return to work & not willing to lie about it) I am denied coverage going forward and referred to public assistance that may be available in my community, going forward.
Kevin had already been paying my portion of premiums since July, when I began a medical leave from work. And although I had tried to return & train for a different position, it became apparent I was no longer fit.

Subsequently, we found that I could be covered under Kevin's employer provided policy and filed the necessary paperwork to do so for 2015.
Fast forward now to 2016, Kevin has filed his tax return only to be advised by IRS that form 8968 is necessary to amend for a reported 1095A. Translation ~ 1095 is an insurance reporting form verifying coverage to IRS. The A form is marketplace provided (B & C come from employer or self-insured respectively).

Having received a 1095A that MIS-reported 1 month of Marketplace coverage (Jan 2015, on my behalf, to BlueCross BlueShield) a request for corrected 1095 was made & subsequently received but without any changes.
Keep in mind that the IRS would like the items they requested in relation to return back to them within 20days, while marketplace states it could be 30days for reply. So, now we have consulted with the IRS ACA department & are keeping the "reject dept." up-to-date by fax as we proceed toward resolution with the Marketplace, which provides to be exceedingly difficult!!  We have just sent our second fax as day 20 is upon us.

When we received the unchanged 'corrected 1095A' without any explanation I immediately phoned for one. After lengthy discussions with more than one representative, it was determined that a new case would be escalated; by requesting a 'retroactive cancelation date' which would correct the matter, should my request be honored, in turn generating a corrected - 'corrected 1095A'.
A few days later the mail delivers an explanation letter which states the 1095A form, as submitted, should be used. However, the date on the letter is prior to my most recent request.

Therefore, today's efforts in futility commenced & end in the yet-to-be-determined category. Yet again, after calls to BCBS, IRS, & Marketplace. It was determined that a new request for corrected 1095A be processed (as most recent action didn't specifically request a new 1095 be generated) and could be another 30days for investigation.......... ?&%$@#! ....
as stated to today's representative through tears, "I have zero confidence" at this point! The first three requests didn't work, hoping this one is the charm, is simply beyond me now. Especially, in light of this all stemming from initial misrepresentation from original Marketplace CSR 2 years ago!

Why thirty more days could be possible when prior investigation requests have born the supporting facts, is beyond me;
1)apparently the Marketplace made a grace payment on my behalf due to an auto-enrollment option not being UNchecked during open enrollment denial!
2) BCBS confirms that I had no active coverage 2015, therefore no 1095, nor date amendment, necessary.

Bare in mind, that all of this mess stems from the burden of Kevin simply trying to do right by me. Keeping me off public assistance (that wasn't expanded in SC, so not sure I qualified anyhow... & was denied social security benefits upon first application, so...) & claiming me as a dependent on a tax return that should by all rights, already be deposited & probably spent towards my care... RIDICULOUS!!

PS.. This is me avoiding stress, which aggravates my conditions, can you tell it's working???

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Accidental Setback

Though there's told to be Irish among my lineage I was not drunk nor had even begun to drink on the morning of St. Patrick's Day when I took my header.

I was stumbling a bit and a little off in the department of balancing capabilities but otherwise hadn't experienced any double vision for the previous three days. It'd been even longer since any vertigo, dizzy spells, or unequal pupils.

I had woken up, as usual, among those wee hours I sometimes call 'dark: 30' feeling some sort of exhilaration for the day, as if I could feel spring calling me & with my recent encouragements to expedite my recovery, I was intent on retreating to the overgrown garden ledge of repurposed wine bottles in the backyard, as soon as the morning and my body would allow.

As I had began to move about the prior day I noticed being a bit uncoordinated and weak, but I did well once seated in an area for gardening and if at nothing else I felt successful at pulling some weeds. Big things start with small steps?!

Well, as my luck would have it... (Google for Hee Haw's; if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all, for reference)
 before I was able to situate myself between the privacy fence & the retaining wall of wine bottles I began installing last year during my short summer remission...

It felt as if I was pushed by some invisible force and all my dead weight flung backwards in the perfect NesTea Plunge (you can probably Google that, too) to land my back and left flank ribcage directly onto the planted bottles, garden stool, & area I had intended to be productive in with great impact making me simultaneously scream out and loose all breath.

And although I have resolved to avoid the medical establishment at all costs I agreed to visit Dr.'sCare for xrays to ensure no ribs were broken or possible endangerment to internal organs. It would certainly help to have a few pain pills to ease recovery and to help ease Kevin's mind and besides he's paying to carry me on his insurance & what harm could come from a quick visit for a few rib snapshots.

It was fairly painless, other than that which had already been self-induced, until the physician entered the room asking if I had ever broken my back?? He wasn't able to determine if it was old or new....
But that wasn't my complaint?? What about my ribs, i asked? There were no pictures of my ribs??? I don't understand the miscommunication here & began to question if I were actually speaking English... Either way, within 45min. we were being referred to the ER with a CD copy of the spinal radiographs & a referral for broken back, at L5.

It wasn't until 12hrs. thus that we were on our way home. More Xray's & CATscan later. I won't regale you further with the dramas therein but to say, although I did appreciate the pain relievers & anti-inflammatories I remain otherwise wholly dissatisfied.

I spoke to everyone about the ribs & flank pain but their attentions were diverted by the referral of a broken back.
I referred to my chronic conditions succinctly as ever with question in regard to Lipoma(s) located in the area of impact and even after outlining all of the Spinal diagnosis I have had since falling out of that car over 30years ago & complying with their protocols otherwise.. (Repeat with radiology dept.) At the end of our extended time together (at Kevin's great expense) I left with the same questions, 2 prescriptions, & a referral which remains unused.

Dr.'s report indicates no acute breaks, indicates at least one of the Lipomas but doesn't recognize it as such or refer further other than contusion while Radiology report doesn't reference Lipoma at all even though it was specifically spoken of and palpated & in fact denies any spondylolisthesis at L5 or otherwise in the thoracic region (although KNOWN to exist).
And when Kevin questions directly about the popping that he himself feels on my ribcage, is told that the xrays & catscan can miss small fractures & separations. In addition to missing the Lipomas!?

What Was The Point?? I Ask!!

So today, approx. 3wks hence I still have the swelling, discomfort, & popping ribs... I'm not without a pillow at my side to hold myself in place if cough or sneeze comes about.
  Luckily ?? I have had experience with Thoracic Outlet, Costochrondritis, & Tieze so I will simply continue self-care.

I'm frustrated & I genuinely have requested that Kevin remove me from his policy!!

Weird item to note... Although I typically bruise with ease & anticipated the absolute worst looking pool of a hematoma along my left side.... The bruising never arrived!!
?? It was explained to me that in this muscular area the blood may remain on the opposite side.... But still I expected some mild discoloration if not out right bruising?? Weird!

Monday, March 7, 2016

A hard conversation ...

A hard conversation with myself! Began when my life long friend extended a lovely invitation. 7 states in 7 days..

Back in our hay days we ruled the world and although we've gotten a bit long in the tooth since then, it having been more than 30yrs that we graduated highschool together, I relish the thought of re~living the glory of our road tripping, raving concert tours, & just the idle chit-chat that soul friends share.

My immediate response is Yaasss!! But in all fairness I have to admit to one of the dearest people on the planet... (who financed the last time we shared time together & has offered to do so this time as well... She's super successful in life & works hard as an engineer in Idaho for her money $)... that even though we're the same age on paper, in reality I'm like 30yrs her senior.

I don't wanna hold her back or be the anchor that waylays her plans, much less waste her funds on a dud of a companion. In my heart I am the Thelma to her Louise but my body is more like a grab bag from a different movie, more like, Cocoon.

I've lived my life for the last many years by the spoon theory... In a cycle of reserving spoons and recuperating in order to pace my life's activities & keep going... But the last assault to my immune system has left me home bound & practically bedridden for coming up on 2yrs now. And while I was contemplating Monica's invitation with excitement trying to convince myself I Can Do It ?!!!?  Just last night I couldn't find the strength to accept a dinner invitation and I must admit that my spoons have dwindled to fewer & fewer.

Sure some day's bring more than others and I'm able to look OK on the outside but I don't how confident I am that 'something' won't sideline... As everyday is a mystery grab into the bag of signs/symptoms of the systemic illnesses that have taken over my life.

And while I have kept this blog I haven't necessarily paraded my issues on social media or even confided much of what has been heaped on my plate with others.  Now it seems I must come clean so someone else isn't cheated by my afflictions & have a hard conversation with her.

I know she'll be understanding, etc... I just hate the anticipation of imminent disappointment. But, I console myself with the assurance that it may be much worse if I try to hide it & just hope for the best.

I have told myself many times recently that "I'm gonna die trying, because waiting here for death to come get me isn't working out" and I am striving to do better!
So for now I commit to this conversation and with May as the target month for substantial improvement I hope to be able to participate in not only an outing with Monica but also a family trip to Florida (retake 5 generation picture).

Please keep positive thoughts & prayers coming my way, they are super appreciated!!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Down but not Out

For the last week I've been putting up a ferocious battle against these prevailing factors/conditions:

Inverse Psoriasis
Autonomic Dysregulation
Uveitis / Iritis

(Information about each is shared below, hopefully no one will ever need to reference)

If you spend time anywhere, you must visit (mito website) that ties together everything I've researched & discovered through our maternal family tree in conjunction with my ailments & diagnoses ..

An individual can become symptomatic at any time in life despite the fact that it is inherited.

* mtDNA (DNA contained in the mitochondria) inheritance. -- There is a 100 percent chance of the trait occurring in other siblings, since all mitochondria are inherited from the mother, although symptoms might be either more or less severe.

Treatment of mitochondrial disorders is centered around vitamin, supplement and co-factor therapy which improves mitochondrial function, and helps reduce symptoms in many patients.  Nutrition, hydration, and energy conservation are also critically important!

++ I resist biologics & spinal surgeries with HLAB27 typically have poor results, & A to G mutation at position A8344 of mitochondrial DNA cannot be detected in patients with Dercum’s disease.

Neuropathic pain
is difficult to control and can seriously affect emotional well-being and overall quality of life. Connective tissue disorders and chronic inflammation can cause direct and indirect nerve damage. When the multiple layers of protective tissue surrounding nerves become inflamed, the inflammation can spread directly into nerve fibers.

Chronic inflammation also leads to the progressive destruction of connective tissue, making nerve fibers more vulnerable to compression injuries and infections.

Joints can become inflamed and swollen and entrap nerves, causing pain. Some neuropathies are caused by inflammation resulting from immune system activities. Inflammatory neuropathies can develop quickly or slowly, and chronic forms can exhibit a pattern of alternating remission and relapse.

 Inverse Psoriasis
is a skin condition that is marked by increase turnover of epithelia cells and is more common in obese individuals with thick and deep skin folds. It is characterized by appearance of fissures and primarily involves arm-pits, shins, elbows, under-skin of breast and similar sites.
Lesions in this case are usually shiny, smooth, and red with well-defined borders.
 Inverse psoriasis is caused by an abnormality in your immune system, just like other autoimmune diseases. However, moisture (in the form of sweating) and friction are secondary causes of this particular type of psoriasis. 
(the inappropriate sweating is not helping)

A variety of treatment options are available that ranges from low dose steroid therapy to disease modifying drugs and Phototherapy

Home Remedies for Itchy Armpit Make sure to maintain cleanliness of your skin. Discontinue using irritating products, it is recommended to totally eliminate the use even after the itching has resolved.
Ditch old razors.
Always test your deodorant or other skincare products for allergy test before switching to a new brand. Using vitamin-e oil can help keep the skin healthy and heal the rash. It can also reduce armpit discoloration.
At the same time, consume more Vitamin C-rich foods. In case of severe rash, use ice-cubes to cool down the irritation.

is a type of arthritis that is caused by having too much uric acid in the joints. Uric acid is a substance that forms when your body breaks down a substance called purines.
Uric acid usually dissolves in your blood and passes through your kidneys into your urine.

In people with gout, uric acid builds up and forms sharp crystals that can collect around the joints. This causes pain and swelling in the affected joints.

The pain can be very intense and can occur suddenly for no apparent reason. It often affects the big toe joint and it usually occurs at night. The affected joint becomes red, feels hot and hurts a lot. It will be more painful if you touch it.

Other parts of the body where gout attacks occur include the top of the foot and the ankle joint. Gout can affect other joints in your body but it is most prevalent in the foot.

Gout is most common in people who are overweight, drink alcohol or have high cholesterol. Men have gout more often than women do, although women are more likely to have gout after menopause. Some people who eat foods that contain a lot of purines are prone to gout attacks.

Some of these foods that are high in purines include:
Beer & other alcoholic beverages.
Anchovies, sardines in oil, fish roes, herring.
Organ meat (liver, kidneys, sweetbreads)
Legumes (dried beans, peas)
Meat extracts, consomme, gravies.
Mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower.

Some medicines are also believed to make gout more likely. These include: 
• certain diuretics (“water pills”) 
• niacin (a B-complex vitamin) 
• aspirin (taken in low doses) 
• cyclosporine 
• some drugs used to treat cancer

++diet recently rich in spinach, mushrooms, dark chocolate..
Even had red meat & lobster

14 Slides:

Cervical Radiculopathy
Patients with cervical radiculopathy typically feel pain, weakness or numbness in the areas served by the damaged nerve. Pain can be in one area only, like the shoulder, or progress along the entire arm.
The type of pain also can vary. Some patients describe dull, all over pain; others describe the pain as severe burning or sharp. Patients may feel tingling, "pins and needles," or numbness.

Certain neck movements, like bending the neck back, side to side, or rotating it, may increase the pain. Some patients report that pain decreases when they place a hand behind their head; the movement may be relieving the pressure and traction on the nerve root which then lessens their symptoms.

Causes of Cervical Radiculopathy
Any condition that injures or somehow irritates the cervical nerve can cause cervical radiculopathy. The most common causes include:

Cervical Herniated Disc.
If the inner material of the cervical disc herniates, or leaks out, and inflames and/or impinges on the adjacent nerve, it can cause a cervical radiculopathy.

Cervical Spinal Stenosis.
As part of the degenerative process of the cervical spine, changes in the spinal joints can lead to tightening of the space for the spinal canal. When the cervical spine degenerates over time, it can result in degenerated discs and a pinched nerve.

Infrequently, cervical radiculopathy can be caused by other conditions, such as a tumor, fracture or sarcoidosis, which can compress or cause damage to the cervical nerve roots.

(luh-RING-go-spaz-um) is a brief spasm of the vocal cords that temporarily makes it difficult to speak or breathe. The onset of vocal cord spasms is usually sudden, and the breathing difficulty can be alarming. However, the problem is not life-threatening, and it's generally brief and self-correcting. Your vocal cords are located in an upper part of the airway called the voice box (larynx).
A vocal cord spasm limits the flow of air through the larynx. The cause of laryngospasm is often not known, but certain conditions may be contributing factors or triggers:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which acid from the stomach backs up into the food pipe (esophagus)
Laryngopharyngeal reflux, in which the stomach acid backs up into the throat or back of the nasal passages
Anxiety or stress
If you experience episodes of breathing difficulty, see your doctor. Because the signs and symptoms of laryngospasm are similar to those of other conditions, it's important to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
These conditions may include: Asthma
Exercise-induced asthma
Other vocal cord dysfunction

Relaxation and breathing techniques may relieve symptoms and lessen the frequency or severity of laryngospasms in the future. 

Your doctor will also want to determine if underlying problems, such as GERD or anxiety, may be contributing to vocal cord spasms.
Treating these conditions also may lessen the frequency or severity of laryngospasms.
Also note, some of the swelling of the cartilages and of the epiglottis combined with the exaggerated inspiratory effort increases blood return to the pulmonary vascular bed. This could account for the increased likelihood of pulmonary artery hypertension
.................... ....

Autonomic Dysregulation
An under-appreciated aspect of mitochondrial disease is the autonomic dysfunction (Zelnik, 1996; Axelrod, 2006) which can impact life on a daily basis. Patients often have some dysregulation of temperature, in which the baseline body temperature often measures in the 96s and 97s and sometimes lower; temperatures can drop even lower during the night.
Less often, temperature values at baseline run higher than normal. This is a particularly important piece of information when assessing a mitochondrial patient who is sick with infectious symptoms. An apparent "low-grade" temperature of 100°F may be dismissed as being insignificant. However, if the patient's baseline temperature runs at 96°, such an impression may represent a mistaken conclusion.
Autonomic issues include the following, and may present or worsen together with significant trigger factors such as heat or excessive activity, inadequate calorie or fluid intake, or with generalized fatigue:
Vascular dysautonomia with lability in heart rate and blood pressure. This can occur with orthostatic changes in position, but symptoms can also occur following exercise or activity, in temperatures that are too extreme, or sometimes for no apparent reason at all.

Associated symptoms can include dizziness or lightheadedness, syncope, palpitations or irregular heart rate, dyspnea, and anxiety. Heat intolerance is not uncommon and may be associated with fatigue, lethargy, irritability, and usually flushing or blotching although some may display pallor or mottling.

Cold intolerance is not as common a problem but can be associated with a worsening of fatigue or muscle pain. Some show color changes akin to Raynaud syndrome; in some cases, the color changes can be associated with pain or peeling of the skin. This intolerance of temperature extremes resembles a "cold-blooded state" in which a person is dependent on a satisfactory ambient temperature to remain comfortable. 

Inappropriate sweating. Patients may not sweat even in hot weather (which contributes to heat intolerance). Instead their skin might only become "clammy." However, some of these patients might instead sweat in inappropriate settings - in cold temperatures or at night in comfortable conditions. Excessive sweating may be an important factor when considering a patient's fluid requirement. 
Skin temperature variability. Patients may complain of feeling very hot or very cold. This self-impression (like the patient's body temperature) may not correlate with the way their skin feels to the touch. Pallor, flushing or blotching, mottling of the skin. 

These changes can occur in association with temperature changes (heat or cold), activity, emotional distress, infection, and general fatigue; however, they can also occur spontaneously without any particular triggering factor. Raynaud syndrome-like changes may occur especially with temperature changes (usually cold), as well as erythromelalgia-like penomena with the appearance on the fingers and hands of painful, red lesions that are hot to the touch. It is postulated that erythromelalgia may represent a feature of vasomotor instability (Davis, 2002).

Autonomic issues of the gut and bladder. 
The gut and bladder can show evidence of dysfunction, with bowel dysmotility more common, manifesting with any combination of esophageal dysmotility, gastroesophageal reflux, delayed gastric emptying, and constipation. Symptoms include anorexia, early satiety, pain and distension after eating, and difficulty passing bowel movements even when the stools are soft in texture (though may be large in volume). Bladder dysfunction may be associated with urinary retention, incomplete emptying and "double-voiding," urgency and frequency, incontinence, and when severe, vesicoureteral reflux and/or urinary tract infections. These issues at least in part are due to autonomic dysregulation. 
Iritis/Anterior Uveitis 
Signs and symptoms may include: 
Eye redness
Discomfort or achiness in the affected eyeSensitivity to light (photophobia)
Blurred vision
Floating specks or spots in your vision 
Iritis that develops suddenly, over hours or days, is known as as acute iritis. Symptoms that develop gradually or last longer than six weeks indicate chronic iritis. 

Iritis (i-RIE-tis) is inflammation that affects your eye's iris, the colored ring surrounding your pupil. The iris is a part of the middle layer of the eye (uvea), so iritis is a type of uveitis, sometimes called anterior uveitis. The cause of iritis is often unknown. Sometimes iritis results from an underlying systemic condition or genetic factor.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

If you're feeling sad ~ don't read

Thoughts from a burdened mind..

I don't dream of compassion or hunger for your attention anymore. I used to think it would make me feel better, I thought it would help the hurt.. 
But you had too much of your own, I forgive you abandoning me even when you were there. 

And those times I was beat up on the inside which made the outside seem even more bleak.. it hurts to know it was you helping torture my esteem, 
I forgive you for ever treating me mean. 

I don't cast stones or arrows, I merely wish you love! & if I could change a thing that ever harmed, please know I would! 

I've said goodbye to living in a number of ways but kept existing just the same. .So many apologies of my own to make.

 Must've done some truly wicked things to land this lot that's been handed me. So that being the case I'll bare it, true but, it doesn't mean it should also afflict you. 

Keeping inner demons at rest is a struggle, when you lay quietly waiting for sweet death they come flooding in like old familiar songs.

 I've wrestled and fought with illness, myself, and the ones I love... I don't know what I'm supposed to do now, it seems God doesn't even want me above. .
.. the future is bleak & I'm already a burden it's true, if I could sneak away to some shack, I promise that's what I'd do. 

I'm in pain everyday now but it's not because of you. I keep it to myself if I can .. trying not to let it show. I vent & purge occasionally, sorry if you overheard.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Getting back to where we once belonged....

So when I started to be overwhelmed by my lack of health, I began looking back on my hippy/gypsy beginnings and recalling all the things that were told but didn't resonate at the time. 

I began gradually eliminating things that weren't elevating me, like; sugar, caffeine, fake anything: sweeteners, colorings, preservatives, etc..
& thinking of the toxic load I invite into my home & body everyday, even if unwittingly. 
I was obsessive about air fresheners,, the kind you plug in that slowly emit fragrance as well as, it turns out, poisons. I colored my hair from a box religiously & frequently more than indicated. 
Beside the bad things I knowingly & willing choose to be the consumer ... there are allot of the little extras I never even considered as a threat,  and besides all the things the agencies & advertisers hid or hadn't told me about... I began to take a much closer look at my lifestyle choices.

But because I never try to look at things in either /or, all /nothing ways .. Everything in moderation ..
Slowly but surely I'm turning a new leaf & much on my target list has been eradicated & I'm not deprived.. I've found wonderful replacements.  For instance, 
I still drink coffee, but it's 1/2caf
Once in a great while I will have a coca~cola prefer real sugar version.
I never drive thru for non-food, I still dine out occasionally but my choices are entirely different now & not begrudgingly I will select steam broccoli over French Fries easily!
I have thrown out those plug in diffusers and replace with essential oils.

I encourage you to start making small shifts in your daily routine & see the impact it can have in your world. You'll be surprised & have got nothing to lose.  
There are no hard and fast rules like a strict diet might entail .. it's totally up to you, how far you take it. My objective was to lighten my toxic load over all but it took a lot of small steps & as I continue I realize it should've been this way all along!

From cleaning agents & weed killers to air fresheners, cosmetics, hygiene & even dietary friendly additives you're covered with just a few non-toxic ingredients that won't harm you or the environment. Here are a few of my best friends...
Coconut Oil
Baking Soda
Vinegar (white & apple cider)
Sea Salt
Epsom Salts

here are a few resources- something you can try to get started, if you like...

Monday, February 1, 2016

Thoughts Can Cause Specific Molecular Changes To Your Genes

With evidence growing that training the mind or inducing certain modes of consciousness can have positive health effects, researchers have sought to understand how these practices physically affect the body. A new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first evidence of specific molecular changes in the body following a period of intensive mindfulness practice.
The study investigated the effects of a day of intensive mindfulness practice in a group of experienced meditators, compared to a group of untrained control subjects who engaged in quiet non-meditative activities. After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn correlated with faster physical recovery from a stressful situation.
“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that shows rapid alterations in gene expression within subjects associated with mindfulness meditation practice,” says study author Richard J. Davidson, founder of the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds and the William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
“Most interestingly, the changes were observed in genes that are the current targets of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs,” says Perla Kaliman, first author of the article and a researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona, Spain (IIBB-CSIC-IDIBAPS), where the molecular analyses were conducted.
The study was published in the Journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.
Mindfulness-based trainings have shown beneficial effects on inflammatory disorders in prior clinical studies and are endorsed by the American Heart Association as a preventative intervention. The new results provide a possible biological mechanism for therapeutic effects.
Gene Activity Can Change According To Perception
According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, gene activity can change on a daily basis. If the perception in your mind is reflected in the chemistry of your body, and if your nervous system reads and interprets the environment and then controls the blood’s chemistry, then you can literally change the fate of your cells by altering your thoughts.
In fact, Dr. Lipton’s research illustrates that by changing your perception, your mind can alter the activity of your genes and create over thirty thousand variations of products from each gene. He gives more detail by saying that the gene programs are contained within the nucleus of the cell, and you can rewrite those genetic programs through changing your blood chemistry.
In the simplest terms, this means that we need to change the way we think if we are to heal cancer. “The function of the mind is to create coherence between our beliefs and the reality we experience,” Dr. Lipton said. “What that means is that your mind will adjust the body’s biology and behavior to fit with your beliefs. If you’ve been told you’ll die in six months and your mind believes it, you most likely will die in six months. That’s called the nocebo effect, the result of a negative thought, which is the opposite of the placebo effect, where healing is mediated by a positive thought.”
That dynamic points to a three-party system: there’s the part of you that swears it doesn’t want to die (the conscious mind), trumped by the part that believes you will (the doctor’s prognosis mediated by the subconscious mind), which then throws into gear the chemical reaction (mediated by the brain’s chemistry) to make sure the body conforms to the dominant belief. (Neuroscience has recognized that the subconscious controls 95 percent of our lives.)
Now what about the part that doesn’t want to die–the conscious mind? Isn’t it impacting the body’s chemistry as well? Dr. Lipton said that it comes down to how the subconscious mind, which contains our deepest beliefs, has been programmed. It is these beliefs that ultimately cast the deciding vote.
“It’s a complex situation,” said Dr. Lipton. People have been programmed to believe that they’re victims and that they have no control. We’re programmed from the start with our mother and father’s beliefs. So, for instance, when we got sick, we were told by our parents that we had to go to the doctor because the doctor is the authority concerning our health. We all got the message throughout childhood that doctors were the authority on health and that we were victims of bodily forces beyond our ability to control. The joke, however, is that people often get better while on the way to the doctor. That’s when the innate ability for self-healing kicks in, another example of the placebo effect.
Mindfulness Practice Specifically Affects Regulatory Pathways
The results of Davidson’s study show a down-regulation of genes that have been implicated in inflammation. The affected genes include the pro-inflammatory genes RIPK2 and COX2 as well as several histone deacetylase (HDAC) genes, which regulate the activity of other genes epigenetically by removing a type of chemical tag. What’s more, the extent to which some of those genes were downregulated was associated with faster cortisol recovery to a social stress test involving an impromptu speech and tasks requiring mental calculations performed in front of an audience and video camera.
Biologists have suspected for years that some kind of epigenetic inheritance occurs at the cellular level. The different kinds of cells in our bodies provide an example. Skin cells and brain cells have different forms and functions, despite having exactly the same DNA. There must be mechanisms–other than DNA–that make sure skin cells stay skin cells when they divide.
Perhaps surprisingly, the researchers say, there was no difference in the tested genes between the two groups of people at the start of the study. The observed effects were seen only in the meditators following mindfulness practice. In addition, several other DNA-modifying genes showed no differences between groups, suggesting that the mindfulness practice specifically affected certain regulatory pathways.
The key result is that meditators experienced genetic changes following mindfulness practice that were not seen in the non-meditating group after other quiet activities — an outcome providing proof of principle that mindfulness practice can lead to epigenetic alterations of the genome.
Previous studies in rodents and in people have shown dynamic epigenetic responses to physical stimuli such as stress, diet, or exercise within just a few hours.
“Our genes are quite dynamic in their expression and these results suggest that the calmness of our mind can actually have a potential influence on their expression,” Davidson says.
“The regulation of HDACs and inflammatory pathways may represent some of the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic potential of mindfulness-based interventions,” Kaliman says. “Our findings set the foundation for future studies to further assess meditation strategies for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions.”
Subconscious Beliefs Are Key
Too many positive thinkers know that thinking good thoughts–and reciting affirmations for hours on end–doesn’t always bring about the results that feel-good books promise.
Dr. Lipton didn’t argue this point, because positive thoughts come from the conscious mind, while contradictory negative thoughts are usually programmed in the more powerful subconscious mind.
“The major problem is that people are aware of their conscious beliefs and behaviors, but not of subconscious beliefs and behaviors. Most people don’t even acknowledge that their subconscious mind is at play, when the fact is that the subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind and that we operate 95 to 99 percent of our lives from subconscious programs.
“Your subconscious beliefs are working either for you or against you, but the truth is that you are not controlling your life, because your subconscious mind supersedes all conscious control. So when you are trying to heal from a conscious level–citing affirmations and telling yourself you’re healthy–there may be an invisible subconscious program that’s sabotaging you.”
The power of the subconscious mind is elegantly revealed in people expressing multiple personalities. While occupying the mind-set of one personality, the individual may be severely allergic to strawberries. Then, in experiencing the mind-set of another personality, he or she eats them without consequence.
The new science of epigenetics promises that every person on the planet has the opportunity to become who they really are, complete with unimaginable power and the ability to operate from, and go for, the highest possibilities, including healing our bodies and our culture and living in peace.
Article sources:
Michael Forrester is a spiritual counselor and is a practicing motivational speaker for corporations in Japan, Canada and the United States.

with credit to : 

& Read more

Full article here:

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Rebuild Adrenals (fatigued)

I believe I can feel well again, but it does take time & here are some of the basics 

Eat organic, Buy Local
Choose healthy natural whole foods, avoid center grocery aisles where all the processed goods are housed in plastic bags, cans, & boxes.

Eat regular meals!
Force yourself if you must.
It may seem counter intuitive if you struggle with the pounds but, if you don't provide the body hoards fat to fuel later.

Fresh & Raw ! Incorporate more fruits & vegetables daily.  As snacks, in drinks, with every meal!

Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
Whatever methods you can employ to try & achieve ~ your body NEEDS this time. Learn about circadian rhythms!

I know it hurts but don't approach it in the typical way. Not high impact aerobics, don't get a trainer.  Swim or yoga for fluid movements, walk when/if possible.
Try rebounding ~ the lymphatic system needs your help,  (Lymph is fascinating & extremely important - study this!)

Minimize stress ..
Talk to yourself honestly about how to accomplish whether it's the number of things you manage daily or how you're managing in life or just the baggage you carry taking its toll - address it!
Take lunch out of the office or a weekend off, Dance with skeletons in your closet, or just call your Mom ~ whatever it takes.

Add calcium, magnesium, & sea salt in your diet. Can also supplement your bath.
Read up on herbs & minerals for relaxation & absorption.

Discontinue commercial deodarants, tooth paste, & most cosmetics. Suitable healthy alternatives are available.
Coconut oil should be purchased in the largest container possible!

Education is key!
Learn as much as you can so you can be your best advocate. the following article(s) discuss Adrenal Fatigue... for study purposes.

 Hopeful that my list & these resources are helpful.

10 Symptoms of Adrenal fatigue
Unfortunately, there are no tests that diagnose adrenal fatigue. Diagnosis is made by observing these symptoms.
(1) Feeling tired all the time- You wake up tired, even after what should have been a good night’s sleep. You nap, but never feel like you’ve had enough.
(2) Low libido.
(3) Craving for salty and sweet foods
(4) Dizzy or light headed while getting up quickly from sitting or prone positions.
(5) Increased PMS or menopausal symptoms.
(6) Mood swings that were uncharacteristic earlier in life.
(7) Often spacey, or foggy thinking, even memory loss.
(8) Hormonal imbalance and/or depletion.
(9) Constant muscular tension leading to hypertension and high blood pressure. Inability to relax completely.
(10) Autoimmune issues: constantly catching colds or allergic reactions.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

You may ask yourself...

No pharmaceuticals,  what?!!?
If you were like me.. You're thinking... That's crazy talk! I want drugs to make it all go away...
Well, in my case, time & time again they've proven to be more trouble than they are worth & from my understanding of chronic illness shouldn't be relied on as permanent maintenance companions; which eventually require additional medications to either compliment or counteract their own effects.
I find that confounding, especially since we faithfully rely on M.D.eities & overwhelmingly their prescription pads with the highest hopes of wellness.
Do you even remember the last time your doctor queried you about your diet (outside discussion of bowel movements)?? Or if they did, were you indignant that a food study was even mentioned?
I bet there were at least 3 questions about your mood & stress level, though... potentially even a pill for said issue that you've seen/heard a commercial about.
I'm not a proponent of any particular diet or medical plan so don't get scared, not selling any snake oil here. But, I know I don't fit squarely in any of the check boxes laid before me so, I guess you could say, I've simply chosen a different path over time.
One of the most impactful things I did while educating myself on the particular ailments I must live with (chronic not fatal) was to query dietary concerns that may affect their expression. What we put into our bodies we get out.
Food is not just fuel, it's medicine. And just like I can't rely on doctors, I've found I can't rely on the food pyramid & supply "they've" sold me my entire life. Even what appears to be fresh, natural, healthy, .. on our shelves has become a lie!

No I haven't become vegan or other such labelled but, I have become much more aware & make infinitely better choices. And though I am typically against exclusion, fast food is non-food and should be thoroughly eliminated!
For me;  balance is a key word. Everything (....) in moderation & because I have recognized I am a zebra: not a horse, I continue to strive.
I look forward to following how the doctors are trying to catch up....
Along with my diet getting back to nature, I'm trying to incorporate that across the board with more of a whole~istic approach.
Upcoming blog entries will outline some of the small changes that can have big impact that I've adapted to recently, like...
My biggest leap has probably been no television in the bedroom. You may think this a small hurdle but for me... television on in the bedroom has been a lifelong crutch & truly, this dramatic change was only precipitated in my life, when the dinosaur size relic recently died.
I brought a salt lamp in for ambient light and replaced the background noise with meditation music (some with purported healing frequencies, yes, as in MHz) that has shown some recent success in more successful/restful sleep patterns .
So for now, thanks for hanging in there with me, I know it's tough. Hopefully you'll find what works for you soon... I'm off to herbal balneotherapy (aka: the tub)

Bathroom floor

Chronically Ill.. ?!  
.. you don't look sick. were just out yesterday.
.. oh, you're too young to sit around, etc...
Oh, come on & join us, you'll have fun getting out.. Or
Don't invite her, she won't come anyway.
Excuses, excuses....

Those are just a few phrases you might hear on any given day ~ maybe even from someone you love (it might even be yourself).

 Forgive them, they know not what they do. 

Today, for instance; I woke from one of the best sleeps I've had in ages. Yes, I woke at 4am but that's OK. 
I was able to move from the bed for coffee (1/2caf) without too much ado so, I decided to do something that seriously required attention but wouldn't take any herculean effort, my hair.  It's long & unruly with that Poliosis skunk stripe that I'm confused on managing, plus it hadn't been cut in years. 

I set myself up at the bathroom vanity and began sectioning, so far, so good. I can do this!
 I even brought a bar stool to sit occasionally, no worries. 
I clipped a few inches away & allot of bulk that made my neck feel lighter. Success! 
Wow, I'm doing good, I'm gonna style it & maybe even make it one of the very rare days with cosmetics....

Well, with all my high hopes of taking a selfie & prancing my preened self in public.... I compose this message to you now from the bathroom floor. Some days even with the best intentions & efforts it just doesn't work out. Luckily, no ones invited or expecting me any where. I'll just wait the pain out here, disappointing no one but myself.

Today is still a good day! There are lots of daylight hours left and if this is the worst that happens, I'm still doing well comparatively. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lipoedema ~ a frequent companion to Dercum's

(Seems to frequently accompany DD)

Lipedema / Lipoedema

Stage 1: Skin surface remains normal, but with palpation the small nodular fatty tissue structure can be felt.

Stage 2: Skin surface is uneven with a nodular structure.

Stage 3: There is a lobular deformation due to increased fatty tissue, often with tissue “sacks” on the inner side of the legs.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Reflection from beginning of Dercum's journey

Reading posts in some of the Dercums Support Groups I can't help but recall when I first began my dercums journey.  I feel so much compassion toward them as they are now fitting into those old familiar painful shoes of mine.

There's a roller coaster of emotions, every aspect of your life is touched and though you don't want to be a martyr you look for a little compassion and understanding.

Before my diagnosis I delivered my last child, @ age 30,  after placenta-previa pregnancy.  Within 3yrs I found myself slowly recouporating from hysterectomy with excessive tissue ablation and subsequently found myself trying to survive a troubled marriage. Stress & emotion were off the charts!

I was experiencing some tremendous headaches but, bouts with migraines weren't out of the norm prior to hysterectomy. I began also to notice a lump in my thigh (which had been unnoticeable for years) became more prominent & tender while other adjacent areas felt like thickened pads - well beneath the skin but, above the muscle felt soar - I almost let them go overlooked, or be explained away until the crazy sensations of getting bit by a bug but, no bug. A prickling feel or like getting smacked or pinched, or even burned but no cause or mark apparent. I had alot of ramdom swelling & would become so fatigued and achy that I had trouble focusing & functioning in my normal routines.

When, lumps of varying shapes and sizes had grown in my arms as well (but at a more alarming rate) causing much discomfort & seemingly circulatory problem, I finally reached out to my GP and the search was on.

My history & current symptoms met the clinical criteria for Dercum's Disease (with exception of obesity, @ that time, & age of onset) so I was ushered through the process of differential diagnosis ruling out Lupus, MS, Lyme, & the like. It was a blessing to have a doctor that was a partner in my care, as it certainly didn't seem I was getting support from elsewhere (home or work). She even did some of her own cutaneous biopsies, like mole removal before referring me to surgeon & neurologist.

I was excited to see the surgeon for the feeling in my arms was like carrying around so much extra; painful aching weights.  Although, he dismissed my conversations toward the newly discovered (rare) Dercum's condition in fact saying upon examination that 'these are Lipomas & they don't hurt", even in light of my tears as he palpated, I begged to differ... he was feeling from the outside but tbey were extremely hurtful to me on the inside!

Although I was riddled with lumps from rice to large marble size from shoulders to wrists predominantly, he agreed to remove the largest most intrusive from my upper arm, which had caused mobility issues, for biopsy & consideration for subsequent liposuction treatments.

I think the most at peace I had felt in ages was when the general anesthesia wore off & neurological studies scheduled. Somehow this all equated to justification for me!  Well respected Medical professionals weren't evaluating a hypochondriac, like some may have suggested.

I gotta say persuing your own medical mystery is daunting and I relished in actually finding a trail leading toward answers in light of so many questions ... especially, when feedback from family &/or employers had been less than supportive (in the case of my ex- I can now refer to as abusive).

Ultimately. I learned a lot from the neurologist who DID take the time to talk about Dercums | Adiposis Dolorosa. Much of what he shared with me as to my particular conditions have stayed with me as kernels of truth since.

For instance, Zebra vs. Horse: Zebra is the American medical slang for arriving at an exotic medical diagnosis, when a more common place explanation is more likely. Medical interns are instructed.. "When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras."

Therefore it would be almost futile hoofing around trying to find an esoteric doctor that might have more clues toward a cure (of which none is known) for your ailments. 

Furthermore, he would make referrals to MayoClinic where they could study me.

Either scenario ... I would be the guinea pig? 

Ultimately, I agreed with the logics shared and relented to simply let him help me manage the symptoms. We'd figure it all out, not to worry.  (Of course my supportive then husband had convinced me that esoteric meant 'made-up, nonexistent, fairy tale' and pertained to my diagnosis ~ not a reference about doctors care for zebras. Later he would whinnie or notice my resemblance to our horse, for good measure)

I began with low doses of Nerontin but ended up with high dosage and a Kidney infection. To add insult to injury, the neuro then relocated his practice. I tapered off the drugs. This was a hurdle in and if itself!

During this time i had also been referred to a spinal surgeon for cervical stenosis; who didn't recommend surgery. But through pain management, physical therapy, & spinal injections I began to try and adapt to a better me.

You could say I went rogue sometime after that... But that was the gist of the beginning of this journey for me.   I share in hopes someone won't feel the same hopeless desperation!

My initial feelings where that diagnosis was key.  I believed once everything came together under a label, then medical intervention would certainly fix! it & everyone around me would rally in a positive manner.  In my reality, that was fairy tale fodder.

No matter your chronic conditions  or comorbid diagnosis' ... I share a few ideas that may be practical in your journey from mine;

Forgive Yourself!
Make allowances for others ___, you can't change them, only how you responsed. (You're not doing it for them ~ avoid stressing yourself ~ OK to be selfish)
Read up on 'The Spoon Theory'
Learn to say WHEN!, Before it's too late & without apology.
Take time to make sure you're breathing! Literally! Work on your breaths!
Exercise is important look into Yoga & water therapies, some days laundry is enough.
Educate your diet! Cut out Non-Foods!