Monday, November 18, 2013

Current 11/18

Since taking the anti inflammatory and muscle relaxers regularly I have had relief from the dead arm syndrome I was experiencing. I have discontinued the blood pressure med entirely (advised doc at last appt. & blood pressure check was ok , my normal)

However, attempting to stop or skip doses of other meds has not shown good results. Immediately I begin to feel the symptoms in my right arm/ shoulder/neck again. I try sleeping on my stomach but ultimately wake on my back or side with pain and numbness with continued weakness for a period of time after (seems longer each time).

The doc & I also discussed prior diagnosis of Costochrondritos vs.Tietze syndrome which is associated with dercums & the only differentiating factor of actual/palpable swelling, which is what was felt at the lower right side of my ribcage and at the sternum.

Over the last few weeks I have begun to have issue with right knee, stability & annoying noises & catching sometimes. Then one night, With deep knee bend (over side of tub with pressure on/below knee cap) I experienced an excruciating sensation of burning and tearing along the outside (laterally?). It almost felt like pulp beneath my skin was ripping or pressing through.  Since that occurrence two weeks ago I have realized I pivot/twist quickly at work with added weight of trays, a lot! And now even just sitting with it bent aggravates. It's not visibly swollen or apparently different from the left knee (possibly because I'm already on the prescribed meds that would be indicated) but with just the slightest touch below the front of the kneecap I feel pain laterally.

I have begun to wonder if the (AD adiposis dolorosa/aka dercums) that affects my adipose tissue is having the same progressive destruction now on my cartilage?

The arm issue began with nerve pain and progressed with popping and clicking and cracking in my shoulder and neck. Now, my lower back, hips and knees seem to be following suit.

I already have known back issues from levo-scoliosis to synovial filled bone cyst, and cervical stenosis to degenerative arthritis it seems the immuno- component of this wants to help my problems but over compensates somehow making everything much worse!

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