Friday, April 3, 2015


Sorry not to have said more over the last few days... But each one is a struggle without relief.  I keep thinking if I could just get one or two things off my plate I could handle all the other things much better. But apparently, the adage of sometimes it gets worse before it can get better... Applies here as well!

The Dilaudid was a lovely addition to the regime but all good things must come to an end. It would be really easy to just try and rely on opiates like so many do... But instead I'll just keep trying to regroup, so to speak.

So, I went to the mailbox yesterday... One of the goals I've been trying to hold myself accountable for each day... Where I found an unmistakable envelope from one of my favorite people,
Thank You!!

She used to compose the best prose but this time she inspired me to offer this advice to someone who walks in my shoes.

My heart goes out to you as I relate to your words. All I can hope for you is...


Don't stop believing in yourself & know this too shall pass.

Don't stop trying to find what works for you & discovering relief.

Don't listen to the words of others that feed your fears or discourage your heart.

Don't immerse yourself too deeply in the study of these things that consume you.

Don't let nay sayers sap you of your determination!!

Don't give up on you!

Stay positive as you can possibly muster in the light of it all & best of luck finding your new normal!!

1 comment:

  1. Please don't tell me to be positive!!
    I am the poster child of positivity!!
    People are amazed and compliment me on my grace in the face of this adversity & I give it to God!!
