Saturday, April 29, 2017

GMOs & me

Valued article with video:

Commemorates 1980s campaign/lobbying with regard to the politics of our health. When GMOs took rise under the guise of sustainability during the Reagan admin. & my teen years.

You should develop your own opinion & we may disagree but, this is how I translate, for me personally:

Monsanto developed round up from the model of natural occurring pesticides.
Like nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers -Bell to Spicy-, & Eggplant) that naturally protect themselves from insects & predatory creatures via
GLYcoalkaloids (that will repel would-be consumers due to potentially ill affects of consumption).
While RoundUp a common weed killer GLYphosate is developed, crops that could withstand it's use had to be created as well.

--meanwhile very little if any consideration was given to the risk to human genetics.
The first DNA sequencing wasn't until the mid70s &
DNA fingerprinting wasn't even a thing in forensics until well into the 80s.--

So bringing it directly to my doorstep...
I was well into my forties before discovering I had a nightshade intolerance that have extreme effects on auto-immune conditions!!

While attempting homeopathic self treatment of nerve pain (shoulder subluxation, impingement) I realized incredible skin reaction at the site of capsaicin rubs however, I endured & continued use, as the pain from the former was preferred over the latter. In the following weeks I suffered much from dramatic skin reactions not associated with the site of application.. horribly agonising boils & eruptions.. that went unrelated.

Fast forward to being treated for what is thought to be genetically driven auto immune illnesses and making strides to be healthy when I experienced bullous pemphigoid via Eggplant.

So for me, even though practically consumed with EVERY meal, my entire life.. They are now extracted from my diet!!  With the exception of those genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are served up as a customary part of our food supply, doing God knows what to the God designed parts of us.

If I reject their biological treatments why on earth would I knowingly subject myself to their other experiments .. passed off as food!

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