Saturday, January 30, 2016

Rebuild Adrenals (fatigued)

I believe I can feel well again, but it does take time & here are some of the basics 

Eat organic, Buy Local
Choose healthy natural whole foods, avoid center grocery aisles where all the processed goods are housed in plastic bags, cans, & boxes.

Eat regular meals!
Force yourself if you must.
It may seem counter intuitive if you struggle with the pounds but, if you don't provide the body hoards fat to fuel later.

Fresh & Raw ! Incorporate more fruits & vegetables daily.  As snacks, in drinks, with every meal!

Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
Whatever methods you can employ to try & achieve ~ your body NEEDS this time. Learn about circadian rhythms!

I know it hurts but don't approach it in the typical way. Not high impact aerobics, don't get a trainer.  Swim or yoga for fluid movements, walk when/if possible.
Try rebounding ~ the lymphatic system needs your help,  (Lymph is fascinating & extremely important - study this!)

Minimize stress ..
Talk to yourself honestly about how to accomplish whether it's the number of things you manage daily or how you're managing in life or just the baggage you carry taking its toll - address it!
Take lunch out of the office or a weekend off, Dance with skeletons in your closet, or just call your Mom ~ whatever it takes.

Add calcium, magnesium, & sea salt in your diet. Can also supplement your bath.
Read up on herbs & minerals for relaxation & absorption.

Discontinue commercial deodarants, tooth paste, & most cosmetics. Suitable healthy alternatives are available.
Coconut oil should be purchased in the largest container possible!

Education is key!
Learn as much as you can so you can be your best advocate. the following article(s) discuss Adrenal Fatigue... for study purposes.

 Hopeful that my list & these resources are helpful.

10 Symptoms of Adrenal fatigue
Unfortunately, there are no tests that diagnose adrenal fatigue. Diagnosis is made by observing these symptoms.
(1) Feeling tired all the time- You wake up tired, even after what should have been a good night’s sleep. You nap, but never feel like you’ve had enough.
(2) Low libido.
(3) Craving for salty and sweet foods
(4) Dizzy or light headed while getting up quickly from sitting or prone positions.
(5) Increased PMS or menopausal symptoms.
(6) Mood swings that were uncharacteristic earlier in life.
(7) Often spacey, or foggy thinking, even memory loss.
(8) Hormonal imbalance and/or depletion.
(9) Constant muscular tension leading to hypertension and high blood pressure. Inability to relax completely.
(10) Autoimmune issues: constantly catching colds or allergic reactions.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

You may ask yourself...

No pharmaceuticals,  what?!!?
If you were like me.. You're thinking... That's crazy talk! I want drugs to make it all go away...
Well, in my case, time & time again they've proven to be more trouble than they are worth & from my understanding of chronic illness shouldn't be relied on as permanent maintenance companions; which eventually require additional medications to either compliment or counteract their own effects.
I find that confounding, especially since we faithfully rely on M.D.eities & overwhelmingly their prescription pads with the highest hopes of wellness.
Do you even remember the last time your doctor queried you about your diet (outside discussion of bowel movements)?? Or if they did, were you indignant that a food study was even mentioned?
I bet there were at least 3 questions about your mood & stress level, though... potentially even a pill for said issue that you've seen/heard a commercial about.
I'm not a proponent of any particular diet or medical plan so don't get scared, not selling any snake oil here. But, I know I don't fit squarely in any of the check boxes laid before me so, I guess you could say, I've simply chosen a different path over time.
One of the most impactful things I did while educating myself on the particular ailments I must live with (chronic not fatal) was to query dietary concerns that may affect their expression. What we put into our bodies we get out.
Food is not just fuel, it's medicine. And just like I can't rely on doctors, I've found I can't rely on the food pyramid & supply "they've" sold me my entire life. Even what appears to be fresh, natural, healthy, .. on our shelves has become a lie!

No I haven't become vegan or other such labelled but, I have become much more aware & make infinitely better choices. And though I am typically against exclusion, fast food is non-food and should be thoroughly eliminated!
For me;  balance is a key word. Everything (....) in moderation & because I have recognized I am a zebra: not a horse, I continue to strive.
I look forward to following how the doctors are trying to catch up....
Along with my diet getting back to nature, I'm trying to incorporate that across the board with more of a whole~istic approach.
Upcoming blog entries will outline some of the small changes that can have big impact that I've adapted to recently, like...
My biggest leap has probably been no television in the bedroom. You may think this a small hurdle but for me... television on in the bedroom has been a lifelong crutch & truly, this dramatic change was only precipitated in my life, when the dinosaur size relic recently died.
I brought a salt lamp in for ambient light and replaced the background noise with meditation music (some with purported healing frequencies, yes, as in MHz) that has shown some recent success in more successful/restful sleep patterns .
So for now, thanks for hanging in there with me, I know it's tough. Hopefully you'll find what works for you soon... I'm off to herbal balneotherapy (aka: the tub)

Bathroom floor

Chronically Ill.. ?!  
.. you don't look sick. were just out yesterday.
.. oh, you're too young to sit around, etc...
Oh, come on & join us, you'll have fun getting out.. Or
Don't invite her, she won't come anyway.
Excuses, excuses....

Those are just a few phrases you might hear on any given day ~ maybe even from someone you love (it might even be yourself).

 Forgive them, they know not what they do. 

Today, for instance; I woke from one of the best sleeps I've had in ages. Yes, I woke at 4am but that's OK. 
I was able to move from the bed for coffee (1/2caf) without too much ado so, I decided to do something that seriously required attention but wouldn't take any herculean effort, my hair.  It's long & unruly with that Poliosis skunk stripe that I'm confused on managing, plus it hadn't been cut in years. 

I set myself up at the bathroom vanity and began sectioning, so far, so good. I can do this!
 I even brought a bar stool to sit occasionally, no worries. 
I clipped a few inches away & allot of bulk that made my neck feel lighter. Success! 
Wow, I'm doing good, I'm gonna style it & maybe even make it one of the very rare days with cosmetics....

Well, with all my high hopes of taking a selfie & prancing my preened self in public.... I compose this message to you now from the bathroom floor. Some days even with the best intentions & efforts it just doesn't work out. Luckily, no ones invited or expecting me any where. I'll just wait the pain out here, disappointing no one but myself.

Today is still a good day! There are lots of daylight hours left and if this is the worst that happens, I'm still doing well comparatively. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lipoedema ~ a frequent companion to Dercum's

(Seems to frequently accompany DD)

Lipedema / Lipoedema

Stage 1: Skin surface remains normal, but with palpation the small nodular fatty tissue structure can be felt.

Stage 2: Skin surface is uneven with a nodular structure.

Stage 3: There is a lobular deformation due to increased fatty tissue, often with tissue “sacks” on the inner side of the legs.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Reflection from beginning of Dercum's journey

Reading posts in some of the Dercums Support Groups I can't help but recall when I first began my dercums journey.  I feel so much compassion toward them as they are now fitting into those old familiar painful shoes of mine.

There's a roller coaster of emotions, every aspect of your life is touched and though you don't want to be a martyr you look for a little compassion and understanding.

Before my diagnosis I delivered my last child, @ age 30,  after placenta-previa pregnancy.  Within 3yrs I found myself slowly recouporating from hysterectomy with excessive tissue ablation and subsequently found myself trying to survive a troubled marriage. Stress & emotion were off the charts!

I was experiencing some tremendous headaches but, bouts with migraines weren't out of the norm prior to hysterectomy. I began also to notice a lump in my thigh (which had been unnoticeable for years) became more prominent & tender while other adjacent areas felt like thickened pads - well beneath the skin but, above the muscle felt soar - I almost let them go overlooked, or be explained away until the crazy sensations of getting bit by a bug but, no bug. A prickling feel or like getting smacked or pinched, or even burned but no cause or mark apparent. I had alot of ramdom swelling & would become so fatigued and achy that I had trouble focusing & functioning in my normal routines.

When, lumps of varying shapes and sizes had grown in my arms as well (but at a more alarming rate) causing much discomfort & seemingly circulatory problem, I finally reached out to my GP and the search was on.

My history & current symptoms met the clinical criteria for Dercum's Disease (with exception of obesity, @ that time, & age of onset) so I was ushered through the process of differential diagnosis ruling out Lupus, MS, Lyme, & the like. It was a blessing to have a doctor that was a partner in my care, as it certainly didn't seem I was getting support from elsewhere (home or work). She even did some of her own cutaneous biopsies, like mole removal before referring me to surgeon & neurologist.

I was excited to see the surgeon for the feeling in my arms was like carrying around so much extra; painful aching weights.  Although, he dismissed my conversations toward the newly discovered (rare) Dercum's condition in fact saying upon examination that 'these are Lipomas & they don't hurt", even in light of my tears as he palpated, I begged to differ... he was feeling from the outside but tbey were extremely hurtful to me on the inside!

Although I was riddled with lumps from rice to large marble size from shoulders to wrists predominantly, he agreed to remove the largest most intrusive from my upper arm, which had caused mobility issues, for biopsy & consideration for subsequent liposuction treatments.

I think the most at peace I had felt in ages was when the general anesthesia wore off & neurological studies scheduled. Somehow this all equated to justification for me!  Well respected Medical professionals weren't evaluating a hypochondriac, like some may have suggested.

I gotta say persuing your own medical mystery is daunting and I relished in actually finding a trail leading toward answers in light of so many questions ... especially, when feedback from family &/or employers had been less than supportive (in the case of my ex- I can now refer to as abusive).

Ultimately. I learned a lot from the neurologist who DID take the time to talk about Dercums | Adiposis Dolorosa. Much of what he shared with me as to my particular conditions have stayed with me as kernels of truth since.

For instance, Zebra vs. Horse: Zebra is the American medical slang for arriving at an exotic medical diagnosis, when a more common place explanation is more likely. Medical interns are instructed.. "When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras."

Therefore it would be almost futile hoofing around trying to find an esoteric doctor that might have more clues toward a cure (of which none is known) for your ailments. 

Furthermore, he would make referrals to MayoClinic where they could study me.

Either scenario ... I would be the guinea pig? 

Ultimately, I agreed with the logics shared and relented to simply let him help me manage the symptoms. We'd figure it all out, not to worry.  (Of course my supportive then husband had convinced me that esoteric meant 'made-up, nonexistent, fairy tale' and pertained to my diagnosis ~ not a reference about doctors care for zebras. Later he would whinnie or notice my resemblance to our horse, for good measure)

I began with low doses of Nerontin but ended up with high dosage and a Kidney infection. To add insult to injury, the neuro then relocated his practice. I tapered off the drugs. This was a hurdle in and if itself!

During this time i had also been referred to a spinal surgeon for cervical stenosis; who didn't recommend surgery. But through pain management, physical therapy, & spinal injections I began to try and adapt to a better me.

You could say I went rogue sometime after that... But that was the gist of the beginning of this journey for me.   I share in hopes someone won't feel the same hopeless desperation!

My initial feelings where that diagnosis was key.  I believed once everything came together under a label, then medical intervention would certainly fix! it & everyone around me would rally in a positive manner.  In my reality, that was fairy tale fodder.

No matter your chronic conditions  or comorbid diagnosis' ... I share a few ideas that may be practical in your journey from mine;

Forgive Yourself!
Make allowances for others ___, you can't change them, only how you responsed. (You're not doing it for them ~ avoid stressing yourself ~ OK to be selfish)
Read up on 'The Spoon Theory'
Learn to say WHEN!, Before it's too late & without apology.
Take time to make sure you're breathing! Literally! Work on your breaths!
Exercise is important look into Yoga & water therapies, some days laundry is enough.
Educate your diet! Cut out Non-Foods!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

2016 seeks New Normal!

A memory popped up on Facebook to remind me that it was five (5) years ago {1/11} that the spinal bone cyst of T12 L1 transverse process was identified by Neurologist in Panama City, FL

Reminiscent of the battles already endured ... this was yet another doctor in the line that would dismiss my previous history and Dercum's diagnosis (nor even consider the condition as an underlying source of pain) which had debilated me for four (4) months - that particular stretch.  I went through a battery of tests (mri, ct, ultrasound, endo- & colon- oscopies with biopsies) from a variety of doctors from varying disciplines including gynecology & digestive diseases. Even had a tooth pulled @ the dentist.

Although numerous new conditions (Barrett's Esophagus, silent gerd, substantial free fluid, polycystic ovary, spinal cyst, progressed cervical stenosis, IBS, chronic pain/fatigue) were added to the list ...  none explained to satisfaction what I was enduring.  Pain management referral was once again the prevailing recommendation of treatment.  Unfortunately, the doctors on the east coast that had previously diagnosed, treated, removed Lipoma, & kept me moving through spinal injections & physical therapy (before divorce & relocation) were no longer available and the insurance I now carried wasn't sufficient. Utterly defeated I resumed the daunting task of self advocacy & laymans treatment.

I did seemingly well over the next few years ... Even though employed in the physically demanding restaurant industry, and relocated once again to South Carolina... I tried different home treatments & excercise to manage bouts of pain. I became able to make accommodations for myself, always being aware of my spoons ( )

Welcomed to SC by a bad bought of the flu followed by a few shingles-like outbreaks, Kevin had an extended convalescence healing from a traumatic injury requiring a 2nd set of implant of pins, 1st was wrist  2nd his ankle. I lost my job and had legal issue which strained us financially but I was lucky enough to be rehired immediately. After 8 months we moved into our current home and prayed for a fresh start & when Kevin received his compensation settlement, we made a renewed commitment to excercise and joined the gym. It was a mistake sending me into flair of exhaustion, pain, & swelling.

Enter 2014, I relented and sought medical attention.  I was treated for Costochrondritis & subsequently Teitze, put on cholesterol & BP meds and referred to cardiologist for murmur evaluation. Ultimately, my conditions were being over medicated & all were once again discontinued. Including the gym that had to be battled with doctor's orders to be released from their contract.

Just as I was regaining my bearings I struggled with horrific nerve pains throughout my right arm, from neck to fingertips with some days being completely without function... Making it difficult to lift trays and perform well at work I began self treating with capsacin (which caused allergic reaction but it was better than the pain!)

Even when I seemed to be attacked by carbuncles, I kept heart because by this time I had finally saved enough in order to obtain dual SC [& FL] real estate licensure. That's when bad news from Florida arrived.. my mother going to court proceedings and my Grandmother having taken seriously ill... I packed my bags and took my meager savings to finance the trip. While I was there I would attempt to tie up some loose ends with my ex-husband & the IRS as well as interreview real estate brokers there, where I would hang my RE license with an immediate listing & anticipation of dual licensure marketability.   I ultimately took 2wks away from my employment to be of help, when I got back to work I would re-accert myself back to saving for SC RE Lic. I still had a plan...

But the plan went awry with family drama and the interactions with IRS & exhusband were akin to a venture in PTSD land. Out of a sense of self preservation I cut my visit short... When I walked out of the Federal Building in Jacksonville I simply took 95 N and headed back to SC to lick my wounds.

I had a few days left on the calendar before I was on the schedule again and tried to take full advantage. Swollen and fatigued I spent most of those hours sleeping and soaking. My granddaughter would be coming to visit for the summer soon... I would use that for a positive focal point.

But wouldn't you know it, when my defenses were at there lowest, I was attacked by some super bug traveling among the staff &/or patrons and I would never be the same again!!

I spent the remainder of 2014 in decline yet still trying to manage ordeals - it proved to be too much!  When the right sided numbness that followed a meridian through the center of me began,  again I succumbed to the pain & distress brought by the thought of death .... Off for the emergency room referrals I went...

Ultimately, the treatments advised (like a drunk throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks) were, for the most part counterproductive, and I remained house bound & primarily bedridden throughout 2015 trying to overcome  contraindicated side effects to boot. I wasn't about to start the biologic & generic modifying pharmaceuticals now recommended.

So, as chronicled throughout the blog entries herein, after the best efforts by a new team of doctors (ENT, opthalmologist, rheumatologist, & uerologist) including surgery with all their new findings & diagnosis.  I have once again returned to self treatment with no intent of ever going back!  In fact, so convinced, if found unconscious, I don't want you to call them either!

Which brings us to today!  2016
At the conclusion, finally, of the longest blog rant I think I've ever published. (Thanks, if your still with me at this point)

Time to paint a different picture & begin envisioning the next 5yrs. overcoming. I may have given up pharmaceuticals & traditional medicine but I'm even more committed to Me!

I will continue the balance I've found in research, education, & therapies: being my own best advocate, I will continue to strive for better days and not dwell on these issues.  I will love myself as God made me and his love & grace will walk me through all things.

Mean while I will come here to purge, vent, & share some of what I learn along the way.