Wednesday, January 27, 2016

You may ask yourself...

No pharmaceuticals,  what?!!?
If you were like me.. You're thinking... That's crazy talk! I want drugs to make it all go away...
Well, in my case, time & time again they've proven to be more trouble than they are worth & from my understanding of chronic illness shouldn't be relied on as permanent maintenance companions; which eventually require additional medications to either compliment or counteract their own effects.
I find that confounding, especially since we faithfully rely on M.D.eities & overwhelmingly their prescription pads with the highest hopes of wellness.
Do you even remember the last time your doctor queried you about your diet (outside discussion of bowel movements)?? Or if they did, were you indignant that a food study was even mentioned?
I bet there were at least 3 questions about your mood & stress level, though... potentially even a pill for said issue that you've seen/heard a commercial about.
I'm not a proponent of any particular diet or medical plan so don't get scared, not selling any snake oil here. But, I know I don't fit squarely in any of the check boxes laid before me so, I guess you could say, I've simply chosen a different path over time.
One of the most impactful things I did while educating myself on the particular ailments I must live with (chronic not fatal) was to query dietary concerns that may affect their expression. What we put into our bodies we get out.
Food is not just fuel, it's medicine. And just like I can't rely on doctors, I've found I can't rely on the food pyramid & supply "they've" sold me my entire life. Even what appears to be fresh, natural, healthy, .. on our shelves has become a lie!

No I haven't become vegan or other such labelled but, I have become much more aware & make infinitely better choices. And though I am typically against exclusion, fast food is non-food and should be thoroughly eliminated!
For me;  balance is a key word. Everything (....) in moderation & because I have recognized I am a zebra: not a horse, I continue to strive.
I look forward to following how the doctors are trying to catch up....
Along with my diet getting back to nature, I'm trying to incorporate that across the board with more of a whole~istic approach.
Upcoming blog entries will outline some of the small changes that can have big impact that I've adapted to recently, like...
My biggest leap has probably been no television in the bedroom. You may think this a small hurdle but for me... television on in the bedroom has been a lifelong crutch & truly, this dramatic change was only precipitated in my life, when the dinosaur size relic recently died.
I brought a salt lamp in for ambient light and replaced the background noise with meditation music (some with purported healing frequencies, yes, as in MHz) that has shown some recent success in more successful/restful sleep patterns .
So for now, thanks for hanging in there with me, I know it's tough. Hopefully you'll find what works for you soon... I'm off to herbal balneotherapy (aka: the tub)

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